The Southern Berks News

St. Luke Lutheran Church



Nov. 29: We invite you to join our worship at 9:30 a.m. via livestream video from St. Luke. Our hearts and doors are open, and our prayers abound!! You’re welcome to find us on our Facebook page. You can look at www. stlukegilb­ Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent. But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Mark 13:31)

Note: based on a recommenda­tion from the bishop of the Southeast PA Synod, all indoor services will be livestream­ed only as of Nov. 29.

Wednesdays: us at 7:15 p.m. as we share in “Silence, Simplicity, and Prayer.” Community Clothing Rack: based on the recommenda­tion of the bishop, the Community Clothing Rack will be closed as of Nov. 22 due to safety concerns caused by the pandemic.

St. John’s Evangelica­l Lutheran Church 45 N. READING AVE., BOYERTOWN

Sundays: Worship Celebratio­n with Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. Please visit our website for guidelines. Reservatio­ns are required in order to maintain safety. Please register by calling 610-369-1024 or on our website (stjohnsboy­ertown. org). Worship will be live streamed on our YouTube channel (St. John’s ELC Boyertown) at 9:30 and will then be posted later in the day for viewing.

Saturdays: free drive-thru take-out meal from 5 to 6:30 p.m. No registrati­on necessary. For updates and further details, please check our website or call the office. Please leave a voicemail message in the event of an emergency and a staff member will return your call.

Trinity Lutheran Church 1749 S. MAIN ST., BECHTELSVI­LLE

Worship: We are continuing with in-house worship service, 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. We are also continuing to livestream our service at 10:30 a.m., we have increased our attendance to 50 and you do not need to call the church office to reserve. Please sign the Worship Attendance Sheet when entering the Narthex. Any questions, please contact the church office, 610-3691281.

Trinity’s Sunday School: While we continue with two worship services of limited attendance, our Sunday School will be held from 9:15-10:15. Once we return to one worship service we will return to our regular time of 9 to 10 a.m.

Angel Tree: please drop off your gift. You do not need to wrap the gift. Wrapping Paper/Gift Bags can be left with the gift and please leave the tag with the gift also. Thank you for your participat­ion in this very important project. Please drop off your gift by Dec. 13. Poinsettia­s: Orders can be placed for Christmas Eve Poinsettia­s. Price is $8.75 (Single-branched 6½” pot, 5 blooms +). Order envelopes are available in the Narthex. Please list your name, info and specify color (Pink, Red or White). Order envelopes can be placed in offering plate or sent to the church office. Order deadline is Dec. 13.

Candy Sale: Trinity is selling raisin and peanut in milk chocolate clusters for $10 per pound.

Trinity Newsletter: is in a container in the church parking lot along the church office walkway for those who are unable to come to church. If you would like a newsletter mailed to you, please call the church office, 610-369-1281.

WAWA Hoagie Coupons: available in the church office, Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. You save on the cost of the hoagie at $4 per coupon and a portion of the purchase price comes back to In Ian’s Boots and the PJ Project. Also donate used sporting equipment to In Ian’s Boots to be distribute­d to needy children and youth developmen­t programs both here and around the world. Scout Troop 511 Hoagie Sales: There will be no hoagie sale in December. Sponsor Altar Flowers: $28.50 for one vase and $57 for 2 vases, please contact Mary Snyder. When sponsoring flowers, use a flower envelope found in the rack in the narthex or clearly mark the envelope “Flowers”. If you sponsored flowers in the past but no longer wish to, let Mary Snyder or the church office know. You may also sponsor the bulletins for $15 per week, this helps offset the cost of printing them.

Need a ride: volunteers in the congregati­on provide transporta­tion to medical appointmen­ts and such. Call Pastor Zaiser 610-322-0901 if you need a ride or would like to volunteer as a driver.

Christ Lutheran Church 222 NIANTIC ROAD, BARTO

Nov. 29: worship with us, now that we are able to worship together but still maintainin­g social distancing, on this the First Sunday of Advent at our worship service beginning at 9 a.m. Pr. Ann Baly will lead the congregati­on in the worship service and present the sermon. Worship Assistant at the 9 a.m. service is Lector/Assistant Minister Sue Hoffman. Confirmati­on class will have their class beginning at 9:45 a.m. in the social hall. Face masks are required to attend class.

Guidelines: Those attending worship are required to wear a mask, maintain social distance of at least 6 feet at all times, enter the church through the side door on the Congo-Niantic Road side, and exit through the front doors, unless you require the use of the elevator. Sharing of the peace, as we are accustomed to, and hymn singing is not being observed at this time and please bring your Bible from home if you so choose. If you do not feel comfortabl­e attending church, your health is compromise­d or you feel sick, it is okay to stay home.

Dec. 2: Handbell rehearsal at 6:30 p.m. using the guidelines that were in the October newsletter.

Calvary UCC, Barto

Dec. 5: Calvary UCC together with Pennsburg UCC invite you to join us for a Free Community To Go Meal and Coat Give Away, noon to 1 p.m. at Calvary UCC, 1231 Route 100, Barto. All are welcome. www.calvaryucc­

Nov. 29: 9:30 a.m. First Sunday of Advent Holy Communion worship at Pennsburg UCC, 775 Main St., Pennsburg, with worship leader Rev. Jane Kropa.

Dec. 6: 9:30 a.m. worship at Calvary UCC, 1231 Route 100, Barto, with worship leader Rev. Tony Villareal. Dec. 13: 9:30 a.m. worship at Pennsburg UCC, 775 Main St., Pennsburg, with worship leader Rev. Tony Villareal. Dec. 20: 9:30 a.m. worship at Calvary UCC, 1231 Route 100, Barto, with worship leader Rev. Meagan McLeod. Dec. 24: 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Communion Worship at Calvary UCC, 1231 Route 100, Barto, with worship leader Rev. Elmer Reinhold. Dec. 24: 7 p.m. Christmas Eve Communion Worship at Pennsburg UCC, 775 Main St., Pennsburg, with worship leader Rev. Daniel Moser. Dec. 27: 9:30 a.m. worship at Pennsburg UCC, 775 Main St., Pennsburg, with worship leader Rev. Rebecca Stephens.

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