The Spectrum & Daily News

Americans expect a lawyer in court. Immigrants have no such rights.

- Annie Chen and Nicole Melaku Guest columnists Annie Chen is the director of the Advancing Universal Representa­tion initiative at the Vera Institute of Justice. Nicole Melaku is the executive director of the National Partnershi­p for New Americans.

Ibrahima Keita waited outside the immigratio­n court for hours, but his attorney never came to accompany him to his asylum hearing. Inside, an immigratio­n judge marked Keita a no-show and ordered his deportatio­n. He didn’t know he could attend the hearing by himself and ask for a “continuanc­e.” He didn’t know it was a day that would forever change his life, after many years of building a life in the United States.

Keita’s family is one of many separated due to the lack of legal representa­tion. Last year, there were nearly 4 million people in immigratio­n court facing deportatio­n, 70% of whom lacked legal representa­tion. Of the approximat­ely 250,000 people who were ordered deported last year, 74% lacked legal representa­tion. Anyone navigating a complex legal process that has life-altering consequenc­es, like immigratio­n court, should have a trained legal adviser at their side. It’s this principle that led the Supreme Court to rule unanimousl­y 61 years ago in Gideon v. Wainwright that people facing criminal charges have the right to legal representa­tion. But those principles don’t apply to civil immigratio­n court matters.

Universal representa­tion for immigrants is possible – regardless of immigratio­n status and ability to pay for an attorney. And states and cities across the country think so, too: More than 55 jurisdicti­ons have already establishe­d publicly funded deportatio­n defense programs. And last year, Congress introduced the Fairness to Freedom Act, which would secure the legal right to an attorney for immigrants facing deportatio­n and family separation.

Our immigratio­n system fails families

The immigratio­n system and unreliable legal representa­tion failed Keita when they ordered his deportatio­n in 1997. He fought to remain in the United States by refiling for asylum and later regularly attending his required Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t check-ins until 2016, when his check-ins were deemed no longer necessary because of changes to the government’s removal priorities.

By this point, he had spent nearly 30 years in the United States, working as a delivery driver, paying taxes and starting a family. He and his wife, Neissa Kone, were raising two young sons. But then the life he had built all came crashing down: The Trump administra­tion changed the U.S. government’s deportatio­n priorities and carried out Keita’s removal in 2018. ICE arrested Keita outside his home, car keys in hand, as he was about to drive his boys to school. Neissa and their sons witnessed it all. “We never asked for help. We had a good life, a nice house in the suburbs, he worked so hard. Now everything is upside down,” she said.

From inside the ICE jail, Keita and a new legal team tried everything they could think of to stop his deportatio­n. But the Trump administra­tion was focused on sending him to Mali – despite the dangers and persecutio­n Keita had fled – and did so in 2019 after he had spent an entire year in ICE detention. Keita’s new lawyers could not reverse the deportatio­n set in motion when his first attorney failed to show up 20 years prior.

Lawyers are necessitie­s, not luxuries

If Keita had been guaranteed the right to a lawyer throughout his legal battle to remain in the United States, this family’s pain would likely be behind them. Now, Keita says, “I cry a lot. I think about my two kids. Sometimes I can’t even talk about it because it makes me sad. I worked hard for everything I got. Very hard. ... I lost everything. ... I’m a family man. I take care of my wife, my two boys. I work every day: Thanksgivi­ng, Christmas, New Year, seven days (a week). I just want to take care of my two kids.”

Keita and his family deserve to be together today, as do tens of thousands of other families like theirs who have been torn apart by immigratio­n enforcemen­t and little to no legal representa­tion.

And it doesn’t have to be this way − just as it was decided 61 years ago for people facing life-altering legal battles in criminal court, “Lawyers in criminal courts are necessitie­s, not luxuries.” The same should apply in immigratio­n court, where the stakes are just as high. Immigrants deserve their fair day in court with an attorney by their side. The Fairness to Freedom Act would secure this right, ensuring immigrants like Keita understand their rights under U.S. laws, are more fairly equipped to make their case, stay rooted in their communitie­s with their families and remain in this country they’ve come to call home.

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