The Standard Journal

Religious freedom should light the way


about an invitation “to search for God ... to fulfill our destiny ... to be friends with God,” Lori said, offering: “This is what brings us real joy and real freedom.”

The next day, we joined up again, this time for a panel discussion to a large arena of English speakers. I’d safely wager most of them to be under 23, most American. They gave one of the panelists, Archbishop Bashar Warda from Erbil in Iraq, a series of standing ovations. He’s helped people who fled their homes in Mosul when ISIS came to clear the place of Christians, and has seen the ruthless brutality of the ISIS anti-Christian campaign firsthand. Instead of downplayin­g threats at home, these realities should increase our conviction. It was one of the most encouragin­g experience­s of this year, to see these young people who seem to recognize so clearly the necessity of Christians and others willing to give their all for their ideals, beliefs and principles, and how crucial such people are to the functionin­g of civil society.

More than an ocean away from his country’s disastrous presidenti­al campaign, Lori emphasized: “The struggle to defend religious freedom is not about the culture wars. It’s not about partisan politics. It’s not about being a Democrat or a Republican. It’s about defending our common humanity and our common good. It’s about society that is just and peaceful and good.”

Father Hamel reportedly died saying, “Go away, Satan.” While people fight over party loyalties and the power of the Supreme Court, Hamel’s memory prompts a reflection that there is more at work and more at stake than elections and laws. There’s a darkness clouding what could be beautiful times, if we lived more out of gratitude than outrage, where the clearest example would be a life lived coherently, with joy. Father Hamel died conducting Mass. His life and death are reminders that we’re made for more than we often settle for. Religious freedom does light the path, regardless of, in loving contrast to, any otherwise suffocatin­g cloud covering our eyes and hearts.

Kathryn Jean Lopez is senior fellow at the National Review Institute, editor-at-large of National Review Online and founding director of Catholic Voices USA. She can be contacted at klopez@nationalre­

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