The Standard Journal

‘Hard conversati­ons’ with voters, firm disappoint­ment with Trump

- By David Shribman NEA Contributo­r

PITTSBURGH — Take a dozen people of wildly disparate views from a battlegrou­nd state, put them together with one of the top public-opinion experts in the country, close the door for more than two hours and fortify them only with teeny 8-ounce bottles of water — and the result is utterly unpredicta­ble.

That’s what happened here Tuesday night, where — a surprise to all! — a civil conversati­on broke out. There was emotion, to be sure. There were strong feelings, of course. But there was also searing and searching conversati­on — and, though partisan difference­s persisted, there were some clear, sober warnings for President Donald J. Trump.

The Democrats who were skeptical of him before the election remain so.

The Independen­ts and Republican­s who backed him showed their own skepticism — skepticism tinged with disappoint­ment. Together they expressed worries about the country. On occasion — rarely, but sometimes — it was even hard to tell the Trump voters from the Trump critics.

This was a focus group, not a scientific poll. Emory University in Atlanta has asked Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster respected by Republican­s, to conduct “hard conversati­ons” around the country, the better to understand the mood of a divided nation.

If the Pittsburgh group — seven men, five women — was any indication, hard conversati­ons around family supper tables and in gathering places across the country might reveal vital difference­s on policy questions, but also a rough consensus that Trump’s comportmen­t does not comport with Americans’ views of the presidency.

“Regardless of what he truly wants to get done ... he has got to be his own worst enemy,” said Tony Sciullo, an Independen­t who works in the insurance business and who voted for Trump but expressed what he called “abject disappoint­ment” in the president.

David Turner, a Republican in the constructi­on business who voted for Trump, added: “Everything he does is outrageous — outrageous­ly good, outrageous­ly bad. There’s no in-between. There’s a lot of things he’s accomplish­ed, but he doesn’t have that soft touch to sell you on what he wants to accomplish.”

And this, from Christina Lees, an Independen­t who is an administra­tive assistant for a large pharmaceut­ical company and who voted for Trump: “We know he’s a nut. Everybody knew he was a nut. ... But there’s a point in time when you have to become profession­al. He’s not profession­al, forget about presidenti­al.”

Here in a pocket of a state that Trump won by only a single percentage point, these voters’ skepticism of the president was exceeded only by their concern for the country.

Hart opened these marathon conversati­ons by asking the group, assembled from a broad geographic­al area in southweste­rn Pennsylvan­ia, to share a single word to describe how they saw America right now. The answers were chilling: Bad. Chaotic. Embarrassi­ng. Down. Shameful. Uncertain. Scared. Tense. These were punctuated by only a handful of optimistic assessment­s: Getting better. Great.

One focus group does not a national sample make. But the advantage of sessions such as these, which Hart has been conducting for years, is that they give Americans the chance to explore their feelings rather than to provide an answer on a checklist.

Thus, Joyce Bevic, a Democrat who is an analyst for a large corporatio­n and who voted for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, didn’t merely tell a telephone questioner that she disapprove­d of the president’s record, but was able to explain:

“He’s supposed to be such a good businessma­n ... but he just barks orders at people. He has no political skills whatsoever.”

Hardly any of the Trump supporters rose to a vigorous defense of the president, though Russell Stitt, a Republican who is a retiree and who voted for Trump, said that the president was “trying to make America great.”

Hart held a focus group here 14 months ago, just before the Republican National Convention. The guests were different, but the Trump supporters considered their candidate’s personalit­y quirks positives rather than negatives, and they weren’t swayed by damaging news reports about him.

This group took on a distinctly different tint.

There was none of the optimism that the Trump supporters of June 2016 displayed (though political candidates almost always inspire more hope as candidates than as officehold­ers). There also was none of the conviction that Richard Cornelius expressed 14 months ago that a political outsider “could effect change that might be good.”

For the 2017 group there was none of the sense that, in the Trump case, hope would triumph over experience. Brian Rush, a Republican who voted for Trump, characteri­zed the president as an automobile with “a couple of dents here and there (and) the mechanic can’t find out what’s wrong.”

Mary Gallagher, a Democrat who works for a large national insurance company and who voted for Clinton, picked up the theme acidly: “We were told it was going to be a Cadillac Escalade, but in reality it is a pickup truck with a gun rack in the back, and it’s falling apart.”

All of this stunned Hart, who expected something else entirely.

“My mouth was agape at how personally upset and disappoint­ed with him they were about the thing he said he’d have the easiest time doing, which is being ‘presidenti­al,’” Hart said.

“They couldn’t get past his personal behavior.”

He added: “They were saying: ‘This is not what I want my president to be.’”

Some other observatio­ns: No one in the group mentioned the Russia investigat­ions. Few among them could identify Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigat­ing the Russia allegation­s. Nor did the name of John Kelly, the new White House chief of staff, prompt much recognitio­n. The evening was consumed with Trump.

“Against Hillary, he had a perfect foil — somebody who so many Americans had problems with in so many numbers of ways,” Hart said. “She was seen as not identifyin­g with people, but as looking down on people. As a result, he was seen as the warrior fighting against a bad person. At this stage of the game, he represents us. He’s supposed to be the voice of hope. Everyone here said, directly or indirectly, that his presidency was about him, not about us.”

The people, at least this group, have spoken. What was clear, after an evening of their conversati­on, is how much all of them — Republican­s and Democrats, Trump supporters and Trump critics — hope someone listens, the president especially.

David M. Shribman is executive editor of the Post-Gazette (dshribman@post-, 412 263- 1890). Follow him on Twitter at ShribmanPG.

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