The Standard Journal

Policy updated for testing redo’s at high schools

- From staff reports Editor Kevin Myrick and SJ Correspond­ent Sean Williams contribute­d to this report.

The Polk County Board of Education tabled some minor updates to the high schools’ retesting policy, and the language was changed WR PDNH LW PRUH VSHFL¿F DV to what will be allowed for students and what won’t.

Highlighte­d in the document is the portion that states those who choose not to use the policy for either TXDUWHU ZLOO ¿QG WKHLU ORZHVW test grade dropped at the end of the semester.

“A pilot program that we tried worked out, and it went over well so we decided to implement the policy for both high schools this year,” Superinten­dent Laurie Atkins said.

So, those who score well on all of their tests and don’t need to retake can still benH¿W IURP WKH UXOH

The rest of the policy was left unchanged.

“Nothing has changed except that it allows kids WR WDNH UHWDNH UHWHVW SHU subject, per quarter as it ZDV LQ WKH VFKRRO year,” Atkins said. “We see this as an encouragem­ent for the kids to do their very EHVW WKH ¿UVW WLPH DQG QRW have need to retest in any VSHFL¿F VXEMHFW ´

Those students in high school who retest can earn full credit on the exam. No ¿QDO H[DPV RU EHQFKPDUNV can be retaken.

If close to half or more of the class fails, the material is to be retaught and the test administer­ed again for full credit.

Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment students are able to use the policy only at their teachers discretion.

“We’re updating the por- tion at the end to change the name from ‘Move on When Ready’ to ‘Dual Enrollment’ because the state has gone back to ‘Dual Enrollment,’” Atkins said. “And just clarifying some of the pieces for retesting throughout the year. It needed to be a OLWWOH PRUH VSHFL¿F ´

She added the update to WKH SROLF\ GXULQJ WKH school year provided the needed emphasis to ensure students weren’t abusing the SROLF\ WR WKHLU EHQH¿W

“Our students are actually trying to study and do WKHLU EHVW WKH ¿UVW WLPH ´ Atkins said.

The policy for now is on the table for review, and will EH EDFN IRU ¿QDO DSSURYDO in August.

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