The Standard Journal

School board approves teacher salary schedule

- By Sean Williams swilliams1­

With the upcoming school year starting in August, Polk School District teachers now have an idea of how much they’ll be taking home for their work. The most recent school board meeting con¿UPHG WKH DQG teacher salary schedule is identical to last year’s.

“The teacher salary VFKHGXOH IRU µ ¶ LV WKH same salary schedule we have been using,” Superinten­dent Laurie Atkins said.

Rates differ depending on education and experience, but the lowest a local teacher FDQ PDNH LV DURXQG Higher tier teachers with more qualificat­ions can PDNH XS WR

Teachers, on average, QHW DURXQG D UDLVH each time they increase their degree level beyond a Bachelors, and an additional year of experience FDQ QHW DQ H[WUD WR

XS WR \HDUV )RU WKH ¿VFDO \HDU budget, all those salaries add up to make up most of the budget, as it does most if not all years.

3RON 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW ¿QDQcial planners sought and got approved from the Board RI (GXFDWLRQ D ¿QDO WDOO\ RI

PLOOLRQ LQ VSHQGLQJ with most of that cost being picked up by the state with WKHLU PLOOLRQ FRQWULbuti­on to local schools for the year.

As the district completed WKH PRQWK RI 0D\ RI¿FLDOV said the budget from FY

UHPDLQHG RQ WUDFN ([SHQGLWXUHV ZHUH SHUcent less than expected, and UHYHQXHV GRZQ VOLJKWO\ E\ SHUFHQW DV WKH ¿VFDO \HDU ZDV getting close to completion. 7KHUH ZDV in the bank as the school DQG ¿VFDO \HDU ZDV FRPLQJ to a close. SPLOST proceeds sat at

IRU 0D\ DQG additional money was still left in balance in constructi­on accounts for current and previous SPLOST projects. All told, the district has

VLWWLQJ LQ SPLOST funds between different accounts for previous and upcoming building projects.

Among other items the board covered was recognizin­g those who work in cafeterias across the district for their hard work in a statewide program.

The district recently completed the ‘Shake it Up’ program and earned a gold recognitio­n-the highest level possible. The program encourages healthy practices in nutrition, and Polk is a repeat attendee.

“We’d like to congratula­te all of our wonderful school nutrition staff for completing this year’s Shake it Up program,” Atkins said.

Dr. Linda Holland, the School Nutrition Director for Polk School District, handed out pins and certificat­es to all of the school nutrition managers during WKH -XO\ VFKRRO ERDUG meeting.

Board members also approved a number of new hires and transfers prior to the start of the school year, and will be approving more in the days to come.

On Saturday, board memEHUV DUH JDWKHULQJ IRU D a.m. meeting start at the Central Office in Cedartown to vote on additional new hires, and to go into an executive session for their annual board retreat.

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