The Standard Journal

Made in Cedartown

HON company among statewide manufactur­ers highlighte­d this month

- From staff reports

The “Buy From Georgia” movement is sweeping across the state in July to highlight consumer-based goods that can be purchased in a store or on Amazon.

Studies show the average consumer cannot name three products manufactur­ed in their state, and the Georgia Manufactur­ing Alliance is on a mission to educate people about what is made in their community and the impact those products have on their local economy.

“We can and will be the leader of this manufactur­ing renaissanc­e by supporting the “Buy From Georgia” movement. This program helps people become aware of how they make a difference by buying locally made goods,” Jason Moss, CEO of the Georgia Manufactur­ing Alliance, said.

The Georgia Manufactur­ing Alliance invites consumers to tag along as they travel across WKH VWDWH KLJKOLJKWL­QJ PDQXIDFWXU­LQJ facilities in July. To learn more about these tours and to register, please visit: www. GeorgiaMan­ufacturing­

&RPLQJ XS RQ -XO\ RI¿FLDOV ZLOO EH looking over The HON Company, which produces in the Cedartown plant the highTXDOLW\ VWHHO DQG ZRRGHQ RI¿FH IXUQLWXUH that is used around the country, and even here locally in schools.

They make products like AllSteel, Maxon %DV\[ DQG PRUH DW WKH VTXDUH foot facility in the industrial park of West Avenue.

2I¿FLDOV DUH DOVR YLVLWLQJ WKH &DUUROOWRQ EDVHG 6RXWKZLUH IRU /LIH SODQW RQH RI the largest cable and wire producers in North America.

7KH +21 YLVLW LV SDUW RI D SODQW WRXU GXULQJ WKH PRQWK ZKLFK ZLOO WDNH RI¿FLDOV all over the state. They started with a July

WRXU RI WKH 2NDEDVKL SODQW LQ %XIRUG DQG continued on this week starting Monday in Covington, then continued to Suwanee on Tuesday. They’ll stop in Atlanta and Augusta later this week before the visit here this coming Monday.

 ?? / Kevin Myrick ?? The HON Company is one of several plants across the state that are getting visits from touring officials.
/ Kevin Myrick The HON Company is one of several plants across the state that are getting visits from touring officials.

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