The Standard Journal

Celebratin­g 150 years: several stories from paper’s past

- Staff reports


Some of our older citizens will remember Mr. Sjustedt, who was the chemist for the Cherokee furance many years ago. Capt. J.J. Calhoun of Cartersvil­le writes that Mr. Sjustedt was one of the passengers on the illfated Titanic, losing his life in the wreck.

From the Cedartown Advertiser, May 29, 1879 (Page 3)

Our Town Seems to be infested with burglars and sneak thieves. Almost every night one or more is seen or heard prowling about the premisis of our citizens. We hereby offer a premium of a year’s subscripti­on to the ADVERTISER, and a chromo, to the first man that will bust a hole in one of them with a load of buckshot.

(Note: We do not, nor ever will, condone any kind of violence here at the Standard Journal. The Advertiser printed in a much different time and era.)

From the Cedartown Advertiser, Feb. 13, 1879

WM. Bradford, Editor The Advertiser

We may be pardoned a brief reference to our journal. We began the publicatio­n of THE ADVERTISER as a five column monthly about four months ago. On January 9th, last it absorbed the Record and began it’s career as a weekly, with seven column pages. Wtih this issue it absorbs The Express, its only remaining competitor, and is now the only paper published in the 38th Senatorial district. It is with twofold gratificat­ion we refer to these evidences of the popularity of THE ADVERTISER with the people. We are please it has proven a successful business enterprise; we are still more pleased thast our efforts have won the approval of the people.

It is our purpose to enlarge and greatly improve our paper while the price will remain the same - one dollar per year. We trust every reader of this paper will constitute himself a canvasser for it and send us at least one new subscriber. A very little effort on their part will do this.

It is our desire to have two thousand names on our subscripti­on book before the end of the year. Will you not aid us?

(Note: Obviosuly, The Advertiser did not survive long in Polk County despite the best efforts of Mr. Bradford. However we do condone his request that readers act as advocates for us and send subscriber­s our way. Prices do start at $25.46 for the Standard Journal home delivery, and does include a year of online access.)

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