The Standard Journal

Jeff Blumer leaves a legacy of faith and courage

- COLLETT Chris Collett is a longtime resident of Cherokee County.

Many times, because I have asked, you have joined me in praying for those in need. You have helped tremendous­ly by interactin­g with your comments on social media. Whether you are aware of it or not, your comments go a long way in lifting people up in a time of need. It dawned on me, maybe I should do a follow up every now and then to let you know the result of your prayers. That is, when I know. We pray in our time asking God to answer our prayers. He answers in His time and in His way.

This column is my 478th column since 2012. Only one week was missed. It was because of Covid. Three of those columns have been about my dear friends, Jeff, and Jeanine Blumer.

Jeff was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about 7 years ago. As most of you well know, this diagnosis is usually not a good one. For whatever reason, Jeff defied the odds when so many others were unable to. At the same time, his beautiful wife Jeanine had her own fight with breast cancer. She won her battle which gave her the opportunit­y to continue supporting Jeff during his illness.

This is the fourth time I have written about the Blumers. There are many who have been the subject of stories more than once. This story of Jeff and Jeanine may be the record. They make their home in Woodmont where they are dearly loved by all who know them. If Woodmont had a mayor, it would be Jeff, with Jeanine holding the title of First Lady. Not only are they good friends and neighbors in their community, but they are also real Christians. In all their trials, they have given God the glory. They have never flaunted their faith. Jeff and Jeanine have lived it.

Some people have Facebook religion. Almost daily they post scriptures or inspiratio­nal quotes. Yet, they lack grace and compassion in their real lives. The Blumers are the definition of grace and compassion.

God healed my friend Jeff this week after his long battle with cancer. It was not in the way we hoped. God had a greater need for him in heaven than our need for him on earth. Jeanine reached out shortly after he passed. Though she knew this day was coming, her heart was broken. We are never ready to give up those we love no matter the situation. We think we are. But we are not. When someone we love makes that crossing, it stings. Maybe that is part of what the Bible means when it talks about the sting of death. All I could do was make my way to their home to be a friend.

Maybe you read my column of a few weeks ago. Maybe you did not. Jeff called me about a month ago while in the hospital. He and I said our good-byes on the phone that day. We both knew we would never speak again on this side of heaven. It was a day and a conversati­on I will never forget. The grace and courage he had while facing imminent death was remarkable. He told me he was ready to meet Jesus. He knew the time was near. God had prepared him for the crossing.

When I got to their home, Jeanine was already surrounded by friends and family. Having that last conversati­on with Jeff was when I lost it. I guess God gave me that special day so I could hold it together on this day. This was Jeanine’s time to lose it along with those closest to her. We all gathered and prayed surroundin­g Jeff. Before they placed him in the vehicle, Jeanine asked them if they would roll him to the gate so their fur baby Greyhounds could say good-bye to their Daddy. When they did, the dogs softly whimpered and cried. Seeing this, I did the same. Jeff loved his fur babies and they loved him.

Jeff was not a perfect man. No one is perfect. He was a man who made you feel you were his best friend every time you talked to him. And he was the man who gave me some of the best advice I have ever gotten. I once asked him on the golf course if it was good for him to be living like he did not have a care in the world. He put his arm around me and said, “My friend, when you get a death sentence it changes how you view life. This may be my last day on earth. I am going to enjoy every day God gives me.”

You fought a good fight. You kept the faith. Sleep well my dear friend. This is not good-bye. It is just, see you later.

 ??  ?? Collett

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