The Sun (Lowell)

Sorry I didn’t visit, Mr. Daigle

- By Rebecca Duda Special to The Sun

Roger Daigle passed away on Wednesday at the age of 92. He was my friend.

I first met Mr. Daigle back in September 2014. He called and left a voicemail on my extension at school. I was teaching at the middle school at the time. He wanted to talk to me about my book, “Legendary Locals of Dracut.” It was set to come out that December. I called him back. He had some issues with the book and wanted to meet me. I agreed. I said I’d be at 86 Harold Ave. I’m not sure exactly when I went over but it was pretty soon after that call. He could not come to the school since his wife was ill and stayed home to care for her. So, I went to him.

We sat at the kitchen table. Mr. Daigle told me a few things about himself. He was especially proud of the fact that he built the home we were sitting in and of the collection of annual town reports he had. He explained he saw a recent Sun article about my book and was concerned that I had been influenced by some in town. By that he meant that others in town had told me who to write about. I assured him that really was not the case. It was just a local history book and no matter what I wrote, someone would be left out. The book was simply a collection of short biographie­s and the publisher chose the title — Legendary Locals.

He said OK and reserved final judgement until he read the book. He then asked me about teaching, as his wife had been a teacher. So, we talked a bit about that. I stayed about two hours, then he needed to feed his wife dinner. I said good-bye and left.

After that first meeting, he started writing me letters on different topics — usually something political — but he had an opinion on everything as anyone who knew Mr. Daigle knows.

When the book came out in December, I went over to visit. I brought him a book as a gift, but he insisted on paying. Mr. Daigle said he always paid his own way in life and was not looking for any handouts. We talked and I

said I’d be back the following week to get his opinion of the book.

Well, I did return and remember vividly sitting at the kitchen table saying, “Okay, tell me everything I got wrong.” To my surprise, Mr. Daigle approved of it. He thought it was a decent book. He didn’t agree with everything, namely some of my choices of people to include. But he said it a decent local history book. He said he liked to see teachers involved and doing things in and for the community, as it was a mark of a good teacher.

He kept mailing me letters over the years, though they grew fewer and fewer this past year or so. I would go and visit, but not as much as I should have. I always called him Mr. Daigle even though he said call him Roger when we first met. I don’t know why. It just seemed right to me.

The last time I wrote him was this past December. I sent him his annual Christmas card and wrote a note saying I wanted a visit and to have his military photos on hand. I wanted to hear about his service. I never made it over. I am sorry, Mr. Daigle.

Rest in peace in my friend.

 ?? COURTESY REBECCA DUDA ?? Roger Daigle enters the Village Inn for his surprise 90th birthday party in October 2018. Daigle died Wednesday at age 92.
COURTESY REBECCA DUDA Roger Daigle enters the Village Inn for his surprise 90th birthday party in October 2018. Daigle died Wednesday at age 92.

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