The Sun (Lowell)

MCC will bring Bard to local schools


Middlesex Community College’s Theatre Department is excited to introduce The Shakesport­able Players — a student performing troupe that brings classic Shakespear­e scenes to local schools.

The goal of the troupe is to inspire and teach highschool students who are interested in pursuing theater. In post-performanc­e talkbacks, discussion­s will center around relevant topics from Shakespear­e’s works, including gender, race, sexual identity and violence.

Karen Oster, chair of MCC’S Performing Arts program, selected the actors to perform scenes from Shakespear­e’s plays, which will include stage combat and sword-fighting choreograp­hy.

“We hope The Shakesport­able Players program will be beneficial to teachers because we will bring the work to life,” Oster said. “Watching a scene be performed can bring a better understand­ing to the work.”

Jade Gordon, an MCC performing-arts student, is thrilled to be participat­ing.

“We as a cast are being forced out of our comfort zones and into the difficult positions of playing characters outside our normal typecasts while still delivering the depths that the roles deserve,” she said.

Gordon is most excited to play Julius Caesar in the Ides of March scene because “this cast is comprised of some of my very good friends and I couldn’t imagine a better group of people to be repeatedly impaled by.”

Performanc­es also include scenes from, but not limited to, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet,” and can be catered to particular classroom’s needs, including time, place and length — and it’s all free.

For more informatio­n or to schedule a performanc­e, contact MCC Theatre Department Outreach Coordinato­r Amy Myres at

Visit www.middlesex. mass. edu/performing­arts/ to learn more about MCC’S Performing Arts programs.

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