The Sun (Lowell)

Pelosi: Relief bill deal ‘depends on’ Republican­s

- By Rick Sobey

As Democrats and Republican­s battle over a coronaviru­s relief bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday said she’s “hopeful” they can strike a deal to provide aid to Americans before the presidenti­al election.

That agreement must be made in the next 48 hours to get the bill passed before Election Day on Nov. 3.

“I’m optimistic because again we’ve been backand-forth on all of this,” Pelosi said Sunday on ABC’S “This Week.”

“We don’t have agreement in the language yet, but I’m hopeful,” she said.

The speaker said a coronaviru­s relief deal before the election “depends on the ( Trump) administra­tion.”

Trump a couple of weeks ago said there wouldn’t be a deal before the election, and that the Senate should focus on the Supreme Court appointmen­t of Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

Pelosi’s statements on Sunday come in the wake of her speaking with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Saturday night.

“While there was some encouragin­g news on testing, there remains work to do to ensure there is a comprehens­ive testing plan that includes contact tracing and additional measures to address the virus’ disproport­ionate impact on communitie­s of color,” Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff Drew Hammill tweeted. “There remains an array of additional difference­s as we go provision by provision that must be addressed in a comprehens­ive manner in the next 48 hours.”

In the spring, the Democrat-led House passed a $3 trillion bill but the Republican-led Senate did not move that forward.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell on Saturday said the Senate will vote this week on a $500 billion bill.

“If Speaker Pelosi ever lets the House reach a bipartisan agreement with the Administra­tion, the Senate would of course consider it. But Americans need help now,” Mcconnell said in a statement. “Working families have spent months waiting for Speaker Pelosi’s Marie Antoinette act to stop. They should not have to wait any longer.

“Next week, Senate Republican­s will move to break this logjam,” he added. “The Senate will vote on hundreds of billions of dollars for targeted relief programs that Democrats do not even claim to oppose. Nobody thinks this $500B+ proposal would resolve every problem forever. It would deliver huge amounts of additional help to workers and families right now while Washington keeps arguing over the rest.”

Mcconnell said the bill would fund more unemployme­nt benefits, a second round of the Paycheck Protection Program to keep jobs at small businesses, help make schools safe, and more.

The coronaviru­s relief bill negotiatio­ns continue as unemployme­nt remains high across the country, and as the U.S. continues to report the most virus deaths and cases in the world.

 ?? Ap ?? spetker of the house ntncy pelosi, d-ctlif., stid she is now hopeful congress tnd the tdministrt­tion ctn retch t detl on the corontviru­s relief ptcktge they htve been working on.
Ap spetker of the house ntncy pelosi, d-ctlif., stid she is now hopeful congress tnd the tdministrt­tion ctn retch t detl on the corontviru­s relief ptcktge they htve been working on.

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