The Sun (Lowell)

Meditation may help you find passion for life

- Bonnie Page Ask the Psychic

Dear Bonnie: I feel like I have lost my passion in life. I have a hard time staying focused on what I am trying to accomplish, and soon I move on to something entirely different. I feel like I am lost about what I am supposed to do, and I am not sure how to get my passion back. — Robin

Dear Robin: I think it is time to reconnect with yourself and your higher power.

We can become disconnect­ed when we do not take the time to evaluate what is working and what is not in our lives. We often become stuck repeating the same patterns day in and day out.

I would suggest starting to meditate. Finding some inner light inside yourself might just do the trick. Sometimes when we have a creative mind, it is often hard to stay focused on one thing because we get so many ideas inside our brains that our thoughts become discombobu­lated.

Try finding a meditation that you can easily access, like on your phone or playing soft music to relax by and reconnect to your breathing and body. Release any old thoughts and fears. By taking deep breaths through your nose and bringing that breath to your heart, and then exhaling out your mouth, you soon will find yourself connecting with your inner being.

This practice will slow your thoughts down and bring you to a new space of peace and contentmen­t. Give it a try. It cannot hurt.

When you find yourself with this new ease, ask the universe to show you and guide you on the path that was your soul’s purpose of coming to Earth this time around. Ask if you are in alignment with what your goals and passions are within your soul.

Everyone’s soul knows its purpose in life, and if you feel like you are unsure of the true gifts and talents that have been bestowed upon you, then it is time to do some searching.

By meditating, you will learn to connect to your higher power, and this will start you back on your journey of success. It might not be easy, but it sure will be worth it.

Always set an intention of what you want the conversati­on to look like when you are asking for this informatio­n, such as, I am asking for guidance on my journey, or I am looking for answers to what truly makes me happy.

What might be holding me back? Have I been giving enough intention to my happiness? In what area of work will I find my true purpose?

Ask the hard questions and still your mind, see what your higher self and the universe say back to you. You might hear some words or the lyrics to a song, or there might just be a feeling that surrounds you.

Last week, I woke up with a song in my head and a couple of the lyrics. I Googled the words I was hearing, and a song came up. It was an older song, a little before my time, but the words echoed thoughts that I was having, and they rang out: “It will be all right.”

It was just what I needed to hear.

By meditating, you will learn to connect to your higher power, and this will start you back on your journey of success.

Bonnie Page is a psychic medium and owner of The Mystical Magicalmar­ket place and Messages from Heaven at 48 Central St., Winchendon. She is available for sessions by calling her office at 978297-9790. If you would like to ask Bonnie a question for her column for publicatio­n, email her at For more informatio­n, visit www.bonnie

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