The Sun (Lowell)

Roe ‘settled’ law? Justices’ earlier assurances are now in doubt

- By Lisa Mascaro

washington » During his confirmati­on to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh convinced Sen. Susan Collins that he thought a woman’s right to an abortion was “settled law,” calling the court cases affirming it “precedent on precedent” that could not be casually overturned.

Amy Coney Barrett told senators during her Senate confirmati­on hearing that laws could not be undone simply by personal beliefs, including her own. “It’s not the law of Amy,” she quipped.

But during this week’s landmark Supreme Court hearing over a Mississipp­i law that could curtail if not outright end a woman’s right to abortion, the two newest justices struck a markedly different tone, drawing lines of questionin­g widely viewed as part of the court’s willingnes­s to dismantle decades old decisions on access to abortion services.

The disconnect is raising fresh questions about the substance, purpose and theater of the Senate’s confirmati­on process that some say is badly broken. And it’s creating hard politics for Collins and another Senate Republican who supports abortion rights, Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, as the nation confronts the potential unraveling of the law.

“I support Roe,” Collins said as she ducked into an elevator shortly after Wednesday’s arguments at the court. The Maine Republican voted to confirm Kavanaugh but opposed Barrett’s nomination as too close to the 2020 presidenti­al election.

Murkowski declined a hallway interview Thursday at the Capitol and has not provided further public comment. She opposed Kavanaugh and supported Barrett, both nominees among the most narrowly confirmed in the split Senate.

The court’s ruling on the Mississipp­i case may not be known until June but the fallout from the week’s arguments are reviving concerns that the judicial branch, like nation’s other civic institutio­ns, is becoming deeply politicize­d, and that the Congress — specifical­ly the Senate — must do better in its constituti­onal role to advise and consent on presidenti­al nominees.

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