The Sun (Lowell)



You have a terrific ear for sensing the truth, which will ring out for you in a way other informatio­n doesn’t. Acting on facts allows you to change things for the better.

You’re friendly and inclusive, and yet still careful about who gets into your inner circle. It’s not that you’re afraid, more like practical. It’s cleaner and smarter to keep some things on a needto-know basis.

Somehow the number of people who hear a thing at once will magnify the message exponentia­lly. Public speaking can be precarious in this regard, and for today, everyone is safer to stick with the script.

The action calls for sensitivit­y. It will be tricky to strike the right balance of energies, but as aware as you are, you’re likely to hit the

The word “don’t” puts people on the defensive and reinforces negative aspects of behavior. Focus on the desired result instead and ask for it in as many ways you can think of.

Because your open mind allows for a full range of possibilit­ies, you’ll soon have the sort of wonderful and weird experience­s that defy descriptio­n. It will be years before you figure out how to best tell the story.

You’ve dealt with enough surprises lately and you’re ready for things to go as expected. Even pleasant surprises can be off-putting when what you really need is stability.

The secret to your success is that you don’t show up once or twice, rather you do so consistent­ly over long periods of time. Good things are coming to you, hardearned and well-deserved.

Your magic formula for success starts with curiosity — a most alluring quality that will keep you in the best and brightest company this year. Ask questions, even if you think you know the answers. Thinking you know the answers is disadvanta­geous, but the rewards you find as you continue to clarify the world will make you positively rich. Cancer and Capricorn adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 7, 1, 18 and 42.

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