The Sun (San Bernardino)

A QAnon deadline passes with little fanfare

- By Kevin Roose — The Associated Press contribute­d to this report.

WASHINGTON » QAnon, the right-wing conspiracy theory community, had another bad day Thursday.

Following the letdown of Jan. 20 when, contrary to QAnon belief, former President Donald Trump did not declare martial law, announce mass arrests of satanic pedophiles and stop President Joe Biden from taking office some QAnon believers revised their prediction­s.

They told themselves that “the storm” — the day of reckoning — in QAnon lore, when the global cabal would be brought to justice would take place March 4. That is the day that U.S. presidents were inaugurate­d until 1933, when the 20th Amendment was ratified and the date was moved to January. Some QAnon believers thought that it would be the day that Trump would make a triumphal return as the nation’s legitimate president, based on their false interpreta­tion of an obscure 19th-century law.

Law enforcemen­t agencies, worried about a repeat of the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, took note of QAnon’s revised deadline and prepared for the worst. The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI sent intelligen­ce bulletins to local police department­s warning that domestic extremist groups had “discussed plans to take control of the U.S. Capitol and remove Democratic lawmakers.” And the House of Representa­tives canceled plans to be in session Thursday after the Capitol Police warned of a possible QAnon-inspired plot to stage a second assault on the Capitol.

But the Capitol was quiet Thursday, and QAnon supporters did not erupt in violence. Trump remains a former president, and no mass arrests of pedophiles have been made.

Even before their latest prophecy failed, QAnon believers were divided about the movement’s future. Some movement influencer­s who originally promoted the March 4 conspiracy theory had walked back their support for it in recent days, insisting it was a “false flag” operation staged by antifa or other left-wing extremists in order to make QAnon look bad.

On Thursday, as it became clear that no storm was underway, some QAnon believers defiantly maintained that there was still time for Trump to stage a coup and take office. One Telegram channel devoted to QAnon chatter lit up with false claims that Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Rep. Alexandria OcasioCort­ez and other prominent officials had been arrested or executed for treason already and that “doubles and AI clones” had been activated to preserve the illusion that they were still alive.

But other believers contested those claims and appeared resigned to postponing their day of reckoning yet again.

“It may not happen today,” one poster on a QAnon message board wrote. “But when it happens, everyone will see it! As Q predicted. And yes, it will be much much sooner than in four years. We are talking about days (weeks max).”

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is reviewing a police request to keep National Guard troops patrolling the U.S. Capitol for another 60 days following evidence of a “possible plot” by a militia group to storm the building again, two months after Trump supporters smashed through windows and doors in an insurrecti­on meant to halt the certificat­ion of Joe Biden’s presidenti­al victory.

There were no signs of disturbanc­e Thursday at the heavily secured building.

Still, the threat distressed law enforcemen­t officials, who are grappling with how best to secure the Capitol after a dismal showing in January, when rioters sent lawmakers fleeing the iconic building in a stunning siege broadcast around the world. Five people died in the riot, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer and a woman shot by police.

 ?? CAROLYN KASTER — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? National Guard stand ready as they provide protection at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.
CAROLYN KASTER — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS National Guard stand ready as they provide protection at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

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