The Sun (San Bernardino)



12/15/1927 - 3/11/2021

Marilyn Dunagan passed away peacefully in her sleep on Thursday, March 11, 2021. She lived 93 years in good health and good cheer, and leaves behind a legacy of volunteeri­ng and civic pride. She taught Home Economics, and she was an active member of AAUW (American Associatio­n of University Women) for over 40 years. With her husband, Tad (who predecease­d her in 2016 after 67 years of marriage), she served over 20 years with Project Food, plus several committees and boards of the First Congregati­onal Church. They supported Riverside Community Players, the Mission Inn, Riverside Museum, California Citrus Historic State Park, and Habitat for Humanity. They were proud of their children (Wade and Lyn) and grandchild­ren (Taylor and Delaney). Marilyn’s favorite psalm was Ecclesiast­es 3:1-8, which some may recognize in The Byrds song, “Turn, Turn, Turn”. Doubtless she’d say that it’s time to dance, and she’d be the first on the dance floor. She stayed active well into her later years with tennis, bicycling, gardening, and climbing to the top cupboard. She walked halfway up Mt. Rubidioux at the age of 91, and she enjoyed T’ai Chi through the final week of her life. She fed her competitiv­e spirit with bridge, dominoes, and cribbage. She made friends with everyone, generally by feeding them, and she believed in the best version of everyone’s life story.

Her children (Wade, Lisa, Lyn, James, Taylor, Delaney) will complete the 1,000-piece puzzle that she left behind.

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