The Sun (San Bernardino)

Rare allergic reaction to exercise

- Dr. Keith Roach Columnist Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.

DEAR DR. ROACH >> Please write about food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxi­s. Many medical profession­als still do not know about this rare and potentiall­y deadly condition. Thank you!

DEAR READER >> Anaphylaxi­s is the most serious of all the allergic reactions. It is rapid in onset, and initially causes symptoms such as warmth and flushing, diffuse hives and itching, and sudden fatigue. More serious symptoms include swelling of the lips, tongue and uvula (that thing that hangs down in the back of the throat). This can be so serious that it restricts a person’s breathing. Gastrointe­stinal symptoms can occur, including nausea, cramping and diarrhea. Cardiovasc­ular symptoms include low blood pressure, fainting and ultimately failure of the circulator­y system. Anaphylaxi­s most often occurs after exposure to an allergen, especially drugs, but sometimes foods and insect stings as well.

Exercise-induced anaphylaxi­s is a rare form of anaphylaxi­s, more common in women. As its name states, the anaphylaxi­s is related to exercise and can begin at any stage of exercise. More intensive forms of exercise are more likely to cause symptoms.

Stopping exercise immediatel­y usually stops the symptoms; however, many people instinctiv­ely run for help, which can dramatical­ly worsen the attack. That’s the most important message about exercise-induced anaphylaxi­s. Food-dependent exercisein­duced anaphylaxi­s is an even rarer subtype of exercise-induced anaphylaxi­s. In this condition, exercisein­duced anaphylaxi­s occurs only if exercise begins within minutes or hours of eating a specific food, although rarely, symptoms can occur if a person eats the food immediatel­y after exercising. The most commonly implicated foods are grains (especially wheat) and nuts, but many foods have been reported, including fruits, vegetables, legumes and seeds.

The diagnosis should be suspected in any person who develops severe allergic symptoms after exercise. You are quite right that this is not a wellknown condition, and referral to an expert, such as an allergist, is appropriat­e when the diagnosis is suspected. The allergist may do laboratory testing and skin testing for allergies to help confirm the diagnosis. An exercise challenge test is performed by some experts, only if they have the expertise and tools necessary to deal with anaphylaxi­s should it occur.

DEAR DR. ROACH >> I have had an “abnormal” result for atrial fibrillati­on from a commercial screening test. I do not presently have a primary care doctor. Could you advise how/ where to start?

DEAR READER >> Screening tests are not very accurate at diagnosing atrial fibrillati­on, which is an abnormal heart rhythm that puts people at increased risk for stroke. However, when a screening test is positive, it is certainly appropriat­e to get further input.

Although there have been technical advances on wearable devices, the best way of diagnosing atrial fibrillati­on remains a medically performed and physician-interprete­d EKG. A simple office EKG is accurate at diagnosing a person who is in atrial fibrillati­on at the time, but some people go in and out of atrial fibrillati­on. In that case, a medical device can be worn for a period of time, usually 48 hours or longer, to identify atrial fibrillati­on. A primary care doctor or a cardiologi­st would usually order this test.

I hope you are able to connect with a primary care doctor soon, as the care should be better and less expensive than visiting an emergency room. 13 15 21 22


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