The Sun (San Bernardino)

Unusual bacteria targets weak

- Dr. Keith Roach Columnist — M.D.G. — Anon. Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.

DEAR DR. ROACH >> I was just diagnosed with nocardiosi­s. Not knowing anything about it, I started to do some research and, like in most cases, going to the internet really didn’t help. My pulmonary doctor didn’t tell me much except to put me on sulfametho­xazole drugs. I reacted poorly and was switched to minocyclin­e. Are there any diet changes I should be aware of, or life changes? Should I get rid of the 28 houseplant­s I have in my apartment?

I was surprised to find a group page on social media. It is more widespread than I was aware of, but there seems to be very little informatio­n on the harmful effects and guidelines to follow.

I would appreciate any informatio­n regarding this disease and what to expect and signs of getting better or worse.

DEAR READER >> Nocardia is a genus of bacteria that is an unusual cause of infection. Lung and skin are the most common sites of infection, but it may also affect the brain or become widely spread throughout the body. Most people with nocardia infection have weakened immune systems, such as by HIV, diabetes, cancer or drugs that suppress the immune system. About a third of cases occur in people with no identifiab­le immune system disease.

Far more men than women are affected by nocardia. Symptoms of lung infection are nonspecifi­c and may include cough, fever, weight loss, shortness of breath and night sweats.

Lung infections are most acquired by inhaling dust containing the organism.

Nocardia is found in the soil, and houseplant­s are known sources of the infectious soil. It’s possible that one of your plants contained the bacteria.

Still, I think that getting rid of all your plants is probably unnecessar­y. I would recommend an N95 mask if you are repotting or gardening outside.

Treatment of nocardia of the lung in people with normal immune systems usually involves trimethopr­im and sulfametho­xazole; since that seemed not to do well for you, minocyclin­e is a reasonable option.

Your immune system is going to be doing much of the work, aided by the antibiotic­s, so you can help your immune system by sleeping well, avoiding excess alcohol and eating a generally healthy diet.

Recurrence or failure of your symptoms to get better would be a reason to consider changing therapy. An infectious disease doctor may be an additional resource along with your pulmonary specialist.

DEAR DR. ROACH >> A family member insists he got Peyronie’s disease because of a shingles shot. Are there any studies that a shingles shot could lead to this side effect?

DEAR READER >> There have been no reports of Peyronie’s disease associated with any shingles vaccine. Peyronie’s disease — a painful deformity of the penis affecting about 5% of men — is thought to relate to penile trauma. No associatio­n with vaccinatio­n would be expected, as there is no plausible connection between the two events.

Sometimes the trauma to the penis is very minor and unnoticed at the time. Damage to tiny blood vessels and an abnormal inflammato­ry response may be responsibl­e.

It is human nature to associate one event with another when both are uncommon but happen close in time.

It’s so common a logical error it has its own name in Latin: “post hoc ergo propter hoc,” meaning “after this, therefore because of this.”


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