The Sun (San Bernardino)

Jolie at White House to discuss legislatio­n


Actress, activist and humanitari­an Angelina Jolie visited the White House on Wednesday and met with officials to discuss reauthoriz­ing the Violence Against Women Act, a landmark piece of legislatio­n championed by President Joe Biden.

Jolie met with White House press secretary Jen Psaki, communicat­ions director Kate Bedingfiel­d and White House Gender Policy Council co-chair Jennifer Klein, a White House official told CNN. The day before, Jolie was on Capitol Hill meeting with lawmakers.

Psaki tweeted: “Met briefly this morning with the tireless and committed #AngelinaJo­lie this morning to talk about the importance of reauthoriz­ing the Violence Against Women Act and the importance of continuing to fight for women, children and families around the world.”

Jolie briefly stopped by the

White House press briefing room Wednesday and spoke with reporters about why she believes the reauthoriz­ation of the legislatio­n is so important.

“It’s a health crisis, what is happening,” Jolie said. “And it’s going to be solved if we look at it as health and families and invest . ... And there is the harm within the families, especially for the children and getting the care early, and the prevention.”

She said she had “good, bipartisan meetings” on Capitol Hill on Tuesday that she described as “encouragin­g.”

The reauthoriz­ation of the law faces an uncertain future in the Senate. With a 50-50partisan split, it is not clear there will be enough Republican support for it to pass.

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