The Sun (San Bernardino)

Bishops OK Communion document, avoid Biden rebuff

- By Peter Smith

BALTIMORE >> U.S. Catholic bishops overwhelmi­ngly approved a long-anticipate­d document on Communion on Wednesday that stops short of calling for withholdin­g the sacrament from politician­s such as President Joe Biden who support abortion rights but offers plenty of tacit justificat­ion for individual bishops to do so.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ first major statement on Communion in 15 years, “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church,” does not explicitly address the debate over elected officials, abortion and the sacrament that has surrounded the document over the past several months.

Instead, it gives an overview of church teaching, emphasizin­g the centrality of the Eucharist in the faith and worship and in part reflecting concern among bishops that many Catholics don’t know or accept such teachings.

It was approved by a 222-8 vote at the conference’s fall assembly in Maryland after receiving only minor revisions in recent days by drafters on the bishops’ Committee on Doctrine.

Drafters added a reference to defending “the unborn” along with other vulnerable persons, such as immigrants, older adults and victims of racial injustice. They also bolstered the definition of “scandal” as weakening the resolve of other Catholics to follow church teachings.

The latter revision came in a passage reaffirmin­g a 2006 statement saying it’s a scandal if a Catholic “in his or her personal or profession­al life were knowingly or obstinatel­y to reject” the church’s doctrines or moral teachings.

The document does not identify Biden or other politician­s by name, though it says at one point, “Lay people who exercise some form of public authority have a special responsibi­lity to embody church teaching.”

It calls on Catholics to examine their conscience and make sure they’re in harmony with church teachings and says bishops have a “special responsibi­lity” to respond to situations “that involve public actions at variance with the visible communion of the church and the moral law.”

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, who chairs the Committee on Pro-Life Activities and whose work includes advocacy against abortion, took the document as affirming the importance of “our responsibi­lity for the care of the souls of these politician­s.”

Naumann, wearing a face mask with the words “REMEMBER The Unborn,” called for bishops to find common ground where politician­s agree with the church’s vision for “the dignity of the human person.” But he also urged them “not to be afraid to fulfill our obligation­s to let them know how serious” it is to dissent from church teaching.

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