The Sun (San Bernardino)

Child’s well-being is paramount

- Dear Abby Columnist


I’m a divorcee who has reconnecte­d with a childhood neighbor, “Levi.” He was physically assaulted as a teenager and badly injured. He has made almost a complete recovery, but has a metal plate in his skull and a traumatic brain injury. We have always been friends, and after my divorce, he asked me out.

It felt strange, akin to dating my brother, but he was persistent. We had fun, enjoyed parties and hanging out, and I got pregnant. Immediatel­y I began to resent Levi. Neither of us was capable of raising children. Our 5-year-old now lives in chaos.

I didn’t know Levi as well as I thought. His TBI is a much bigger problem than I realized. He cannot control his temper. He’s quick to yell at our son, “Jaden,” and me, and puts me down in front of him. We have to move to a different area of the home to give Levi space.

He truly cannot help it, but it’s hard to tolerate the tantrums. Jaden loves his father anyway and never holds a grudge. Levi frequently apologizes, but the behavior never stops. He has never been physically abusive, but he’s walking a fine line with the verbal nastiness. I’m constantly a referee to prevent escalation.

I love Levi and my son. We are not married. Should I continue trying to make it work? Or should I run for the hills with Jaden? It’s loud and often contentiou­s.

— Second-guessing My Life


>> Your love for Levi is beside the point. The longer Jaden is subjected to his father’s irrational outbursts — whether they are aimed at you or at him — the more the boy will feel this is what a normal adult relationsh­ip is like. For your son’s sake, you should separate. If Levi’s abuse escalates from verbal to physical, THAT’S when you should “run for the hills.”


I am a mother of three adult kids. We are all comfortabl­e financiall­y. My eldest and youngest are successful. They work hard, and enjoy their homes and their lifestyle of entertaini­ng and eating out.

My middle child lives far away and is happy to say he is not a capitalist. He works for nonprofits and barely makes ends meet. He went to college, but dropped out in his last semester. He has no health insurance. He drives a car, but has no insurance or driver’s license. He clearly knows better, but insists that all these concerns of mine are “old world and overrated” and that I worry about “nothing.”

I’m sick about the mistakes I’ve made with him, but I’m not sure what they were. I try to focus him on his license and insurance, but nothing gets done. What’s the next best step? — Helicopter Mom in


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