The Sun (San Bernardino)

Retirement home won’t allow pets

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email

DEAR HELOISE >> My husband always said we’d move into a local retirement community when our home becomes too much for us. Well, that time has come, but there is a problem. We have four small dogs, whom we love very much. They are spayed and neutered, and all have their shots.

We had one child who died in his childhood and were never able to have another, so our little dogs are a valuable part of our lives. Could we part with them? No. Sadly, most retirement communitie­s don’t allow pets, or if they do — and that’s rare — they only allow two.

I will not part with any of my dogs. When one of them dies, I cry like a baby. Our dogs usually live a long time — and our four dogs are fairly young (the offspring of our former dogs) — so I imagine they’ll be with us for years to come.

We’ve considered one of these tiny homes we hear so much about, but that still leaves us with yard work. Plus, most tiny homes are a bit too tiny for us and our dogs.

Retirement communitie­s ask us to give up so much, and I would willingly part with much of what I own, but never my sweet dogs. We’re at a crossroads in our lives, but whatever we end up doing, we’re keeping our dogs.

— Joe and Jean, in Missouri


Don’t give up — keep looking! There are retirement communitie­s that are changing their rules all the time.

There are also tiny home communitie­s in many states now, and more and more people are flocking to these areas. Tiny homes can be anywhere from 250 square feet to a little over 600 square feet. Some only have one level, so there’s no ladder to climb up to get to your bedroom.

Are you downsizing, getting rid of clutter or planning to move somewhere else? Here are a few questions to ask yourself when you’re going through your rooms:

• Do I really need this item, or is it just collecting dust?

• Is it useful, or am I just sentimenta­l about it?

• Why am I keeping so many T-shirts, pairs of socks, shoes, collectibl­es, jeans, sets of dishes, holiday ornaments, books, etc.?

• What do I use daily, and what gets used once a year, if ever?

• Is there someone else in the family who would like to have this item and can use it more often?

• Can I live without this thing? Does it make me happy?

DEAR HELOISE >> To grease a cookie sheet or cake pan, use the butter wrappers that still have some butter left on them. You can also use a stick of butter, but peel back the wrapper and use the exposed part of the butter while holding the part of the wrapper that’s still around the butter. When done, just close the exposed end with the wrapper and store in the refrigerat­or.

— Joyce B., Troy, Ohio

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