The Sun (San Bernardino)

Cartoonist’s take


to get but because it returned the decision on their legality back to the individual states. A law in my own state making an abortion after 15 weeks illegal would get my support. But a national ban on abortion is just as wrong as is a national right to it.

— Bob Cunningham,

Cherry Valley

Prop. 1

Re “Voters approve Propositio­n 1 in a razor-thin win” (March 21):

If you have a calculator, the $6.38 billion to build 4,350 housing units calculates out at $1.47 million per unit. I will become homeless or an addict if I can be guaranteed to get into one. And Newsom in the accompanyi­ng photo is gleefully laughing and clapping at you. How could the voter be so clueless as to vote for this fraud? It’s hard to believe that there are a majority of mentally impaired or addicts as voters in California. But I don’t know who else would vote for this!

— Tom Hersh, Newport Beach

Thanks for the Sunday COVID section

Unlike my fellow reader in Mission Viejo (March 20, Letters), I did read all the “I told you so” opinions on COVID Sunday, March 17. Contrary to her uninformed view, the government­al and bureaucrat­ic overreach did matter because it soon became apparent (to me and many of my friends and Dennis Prager) that the lockdowns and masks mandates were counterpro­ductive, causing unnecessar­y deaths rather than saving lives; and yet innocent citizens were arrested and fined for standing up for their rights to not be imprisoned in their residences or muzzled. Our elected and unelected leaders were not interested in keeping us safe, but rather used fear of the pandemic to increase their power. I was pleased to see in an almost mainstream media like this that “California’s ... mandates led to sharp losses in overall economic activity but had little to no impact in saving lives” (Jim Doti). Disappoint­ingly, the growing evidence of healthy young men dying shortly after being vaccinated and the therapeuti­c benefits of ivermectin and the hydroxychl­oroquine cocktail were not discussed. Finally, now that all the lies are coming out, isn’t it time to stop using euphemisms like COVID-19 and call this virus what it is, the Fauci authorized and paid for Chinese Wuhan-lab virus? Oh, and Doug MacIntyre, Jan. 6 was not an insurrecti­on, it was a protest that got out of hand. It pales in comparison to what happened during the 2020 summer of love.

— Warren Scheinin, Redondo Beach

Bullet train

I can not take seriously anything the state of California is spending money on or wants to spend money on as long as the choo-choo train to nowhere continues to move forward.

— Paul J. Ladden, Redondo Beach


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