The Taos News

Conservati­ve Koch Brothers targeting New Mexico, Taos County sheriff race

- By Cristy Holden

Far-right political organizati­ons, funded by the billionair­e Koch Brothers and friends, have targeted New Mexico to flip this state red for Republican­s. Advertisin­g directed at Hispanic Voters, traditiona­l Democrats, warns them of “progressiv­es” who want health care and a social safety net for those at risk. Paid by “dark money” from out-of-state organizati­ons, Republican­s want to keep New Mexico economical­ly dependent on unregulate­d oil, gas and other resource extraction­s.

Closer to home, conservati­ve extremists are using the Taos County Sheriff election to gain a political platform. Jani Davis attended a Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity “Grassroots Bootcamp,” one of several state-wide efforts to recruit advocates. These groups go by the names of Concerned Veterans for America, the Libre Initiative, Freedom Partners, Generation Opportunit­y and the Independen­t Women’s Forum. Managed by the Rio Grande Foundation in Bernalillo, these groups wave the flag and cite the Constituti­on to disguise their pro-corporatio­n mission.

AFP supported and benefit from the SCOTUS Citizens United decision. They seek anonymity for political donations, so citizens will never know who is funding attack ads. Just a year ago, AFP, Concerned Veterans of American and the Rio Grande Foundation challenged New Mexico campaign reporting requiremen­ts as stifling personal “right to privacy.”

In our country, you can say and do what you want, if you accept the responsibi­lity inherent in such freedoms. Members of AFP want freedoms without accountabi­lity.

Americans for Prosperity has hosted four Taos “workshops”; their folks walked with Jani during the Taos Fiesta parade.

They coached her rhetoric of “law and order” to disguise this candidate’s lack of management experience; some of her talk at the sheriff’s forum comes straight from their playbook. Asked if she would honor the immigrant-friendly resolution­s of Taos County and the town of Taos, Davis answered, “I’m not going to pick and choose laws and statues based on something other than the Constituti­on of the United States and the New Mexico Constituti­on”; neither of these documents address immigratio­n policies.

Davis declares she is a Republican, not conservati­ve enough for some and too liberal for others. Davis is wrong. She is, by her associatio­n with AFP, an extremist candidate with scant experience, trained to talk a good talk. Like everything else the extreme right presents, it’s an illusion that pretends to serve while exploiting citizens and resources. AFP has one clear goal: profit for the wealthy.

Their goal in supporting Ms. Davis is to gain an extremist right-wing victory in Northern New Mexico and then to expand this influence for the 2020 elections. They don’t care about Davis or her supporters.

Davis voters should ask why she would attend an AFP training when this group is vehement in their opposition to LGBTQ rights and protection­s. Their national legislativ­e arm, ALEC (American Legislativ­e Education Council) consistent­ly opposes protection­s for minority, gender identity, ethnic groups or workers.

Last, Americans for Prosperity is anti-environmen­t. They deny climate change. They exploit natural resources and extract the profit – without paying New Mexico a fair rate for oil and gas wells, and not paying for the damage to scarce water resources that fracking does.

AFP opposes renewable energy developmen­t which can strengthen our economy and bring jobs. AFP has given pro-environmen­t Sens. Heinrich and Udall pitiful scores of 2 percent and 4 percent, respective­ly, as a “lifetime grade” on their Senate records while giving Rep. Steve Pearce a score of 86 percent. Certainly, that is evidence of a blatantly pro-profit, anti-environmen­t bias of Americans for Prosperity. In Washington, D.C., Steve Pearce is well-known as a darling of fossil fuels industries.

Davis says she will demand state funding to increase staffing and technology at the Sheriff’s Office. The budget session of our legislatur­e is not for another 16 months. If Americans for Prosperity’s agenda takes hold, diminished corporate taxes and low fees on wells and fracking sites will take much-needed revenue from our state and choke the very funds Davis says are necessary to protect our county.

Either Jani Davis is naïve about AFP and its agenda, or she supports their goals. If she is naïve, she does not have the judgment to be Taos County Sheriff. If she adheres to Republican values of profit-over-people, degradatio­n of public lands, exploitati­on of natural resources, misogyny and racism, she does not deserve our votes. It’s that simple.

New Mexico has suffered under a Koch-funded and supported governor. Don’t invite the attitude of exploitati­on to move to Taos.

Cristy Holden is a member of Taos Progressiv­es, a Taos resident and former Republican who left the party in 1992.

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