The Taos News

Sick and tired of the Washington, D.C. games

- By Jean LipmanTrox­el Jean Lipman-Troxel lives in Ranchos de Taos.

Like many intelligen­t, sane American citizens, I am sick and tired of the games, antics and diversions the politician­s are engaging in to distract all of us from the life-threatenin­g “disease” festering and emanating from Washington.

Every time a new “cause” is announced it draws attention away from major core issues that threaten our country’s security and sovereignt­y. The White House is busy alienating our allies, praising despots and criminals (otherwise known as real or perceived enemies.)

China, North Korea and Russia are becoming chummy; Iran is shooting down drones and the United States is sending troops to Iran. If, God forbid, war happens, where will all of our alienated allies be?

Mexican immigrants are handled helter-skelter because no one has a real, organized, ethical plan nor enough qualified personnel to execute it.

Medicare for All is being touted by many of the two dozen Democrats running for president who know little or nothing about health care cost control. Actually, many of the current Medicare programs are already managed by private insurance companies.

Now they are talking about reparation­s for the descendant­s of Africans enslaved by our white ancestors.

Are we forgetting something? We stole this country from millions of Native Americans, killing, abusing and bullying our way across their homeland.

Are “we” going to grant them reparation­s, too?

For the record, I am an old, retired health care profession­al and have lived in Taos with my husband for the past six years. I don’t vote “party,” I vote “candidate” and so far there are damned few with enough sense and foresight to do the job. I sincerely pray someone steps up to the plate who has sense enough to do the job. We may not be able to “drain the D.C. swamp” right away, but at least let’s get the old rats out of the attic!

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