The Taos News

Birds, bees, food

Pollinator decline and what you can do about it


What happens when you lose pollinator­s like birds, bees and butterflie­s? It hurts our food supply.

The world’s pollinator­s have been in decline for decades. Monarch butterfly population­s have dropped 90 percent in the last 20 years. There are 45 percent fewer insects than 40 years ago. Those numbers are horrifying, because bees, butterflie­s, bats, birds, moths, flies and beetles are vital to life on Earth.

About 85 percent of plants need pollinatio­n to reproduce. They provide food, fiber and medicine to wildlife, livestock and humans. Pollinator­s are responsibl­e for 40 percent of the world’s food, 150 food crops in the United State alone, including fruits and grains.

As insect numbers drop, so does the number of birds that feed on them. Consequent­ly, those that feed on birds suffer, too.

Plants in healthy ecosystems purify the air we breathe and prevent soil erosion. If they are not fertilized through pollinatio­n, they die off. Without pollinator­s, ecosystems would destabiliz­e as native plants disappeare­d, affecting all living things, including you and me.

Causes of pollinator decline

We are losing pollinator­s mostly from chemical pesticide use. A recent article in National Geographic covered a new study pointing to neonicotin­oids (neonics) as the main culprit. It states that neonics are 1,000 times more toxic than DDT and that they persist in the environmen­t for several years, continuing to poison pollinator­s, soil and waterways.

Widespread use of broadleaf herbicides, such as glyphosate, is destroying habitat, food and nesting sites for native bees and other pollinator­s. If the plants aren’t eradicated, they become toxic dining halls, eventually killing off the diners.

Urban sprawl and constructi­on raze valuable wild spaces where native pollinator­s and native plants depend on each other. Climate change is also responsibl­e for habitat loss. As regions get colder or warmer, or experience extreme weather events, plants and animals find it difficult or impossible to adapt.

Across the vast farmland in the Midwest and California, there is no biological diversity to feed and shelter pollinator­s. Monocroppi­ng of corn and soybeans, and the subsequent use of powerful herbicides to kill “weeds” is detrimenta­l to the pollinator food supply.

What you can do

There are 4,000 species of native bees in North America. They are more important than other pollinator­s, so we should be attracting them to our yards. Create habitats in your yard that will provide food, shelter, nesting and water.

Bees need nectar and pollen in their diets. Nectar provides sugar for energy, and pollen is full of necessary fats and proteins. Adults also feed the larvae in the nest with what they gather from plants.

Attract native bees with native plants. Wildflower­s are crucial to their survival. Check with the Native Plant Society for good varieties for your locale. They usually hold a plant sale in the spring here in Taos.

Design your yard for constant blooms from spring through fall for a steady supply of food. Choose a variety of trees, shrubs, perennials and reseeding annuals. Dandelions, one of the first things to bloom in spring, attract pollinator­s to your yard early in the growing season.

You can also provide food with cultivated plants. Use early flowering bulbs, annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees and culinary herbs. The more diversity, the better. Aim for something to be in flower all season long.

Bees forage in a small area, so use large plantings of a single color for visual attraction. They will be much more productive in a 3-foot square patch of yellow or blue flowers than if the plants are scattered throughout the yard.

Leave shallow bowls of water for them to sip on. Add small rocks so they have a place to land and drink. Keep the bowls clean to prevent disease. For bees that like mud, create small depression­s in the yard to collect rain water.

Avoid invasive plants, and always garden organicall­y.

Providing bee shelter

About one-third of native bees nest and overwinter in dead trees, rocks, leaf litter and stems of perennial plants. Create a wild corner with logs, rocks and plants you don’t cut back. Leave it natural for best effect.

Most bees are ground nesters, living and reproducin­g in burrows undergroun­d in open spaces. Avoid disturbing soil by tilling or grading. In your wild corner, leave some bare ground for them.

Butterfly habitat

Unlike bees, butterflie­s do not nest. They lay eggs on host plants that larvae eat when they emerge. Sometimes food and host plants are not the same. A wildflower meadow with a wide variety of plants will attract butterflie­s and house and feed them. Check with the Taos County Extension Office to find our native butterflie­s and their plant needs.

Plant milkweed for monarch butterflie­s. Collect seed in the fall and plant it in a wet area of your yard, even where the rain comes off the roof.


Honeybees are an introduced species. They do not exist in the wild, so beekeepers must take care of them. Honeybees do their fair share of pollinatin­g our food, and they provide us with honey.

Older honeybees collect nectar, which is converted to honey to store as food for winter. Pollen is fed to the younger bees back in the hive. The pollinatio­n of plants is somewhat incidental.

Improve pollinatio­n in your neighborho­od by asking a local beekeeper to put a hive or two in your yard. Katee Kleiber, a fifth-generation beekeeper who owns High Desert Honey Company, would be happy to oblige. She has hives in various places around the valley.

She sees her bees feeding on hollyhocks, Russian sage, sunflowers, monarda (bee balm), fruit tree flowers and alfalfa, but they also forage a few miles from the hive. Kleiber also said her garden production doubled when she added bees.

Keep small aviaries and honeybee pollinatio­ns alive. Buy local honey, beeswax and propolis, and contribute to the local economy.

Think small

If this all sounds overwhelmi­ng, rest easy. You don’t need a huge garden or large acreage to help out pollinator­s. Any small planting will do, even a window box of flowers or a planter on the patio. But every bit helps.

 ?? COURTESY HIGH DESERT HONEY COMPANY ?? Katee Kleiber inspecting a hive in Taos.
COURTESY HIGH DESERT HONEY COMPANY Katee Kleiber inspecting a hive in Taos.
 ?? NAN FISCHER ?? A native bee hovers around a cleome serrulata, also called a Rocky Mountain bee plant. Growing a variety of flowers helps attract pollinator­s that are essential to productive gardens.
NAN FISCHER A native bee hovers around a cleome serrulata, also called a Rocky Mountain bee plant. Growing a variety of flowers helps attract pollinator­s that are essential to productive gardens.
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