The Taos News

Tribute to late artist William Panzer Even census workers need masks


I would like to thank the Taos Community Foundation and the late William Panzer for giving to the Taos community.

I know many people participat­ed in the online auction of Panzer’s collection of paintings, tools, paints, canvases and all sorts of odds and ends. I am so grateful and awed by the painting of the church that I acquired. The brushes and paints are a great addition to my art supplies. When I picked up the fan brush and started painting with it – it was magic. I am so grateful for the chance to share in Mr. Panzer’s artistic vibe.

Thanks again for the volunteers who helped with the auction. And William Panzer – you are a gentleman, a scholar and a champion of the Taos art world.


Mary Jo Kelly Cerro

A census worker came to my door on Sept. 27 asking if anyone had been living in a corner house on April 1.

We got to talking through the screen door and she said the U.S. Census Bureau sent her here to Taos from Texas because Taos had not hired enough local workers to complete the task. She said New Mexicans had been awful to her and she couldn’t wait to leave and would never be back.

Surprised, I asked her why she felt that way. It turned out that, according to her, she is unable to wear a face mask for medical reasons. ( We were speaking unmasked, 10 feet apart.) She has met people who threatened or were rude to her since the moment she crossed the state line and attempted to use a bathroom in Tucumcari.

I told her masks are a state law and the U.S. Census was wrong to ever send her here since she is unable to comply with New Mexico law. She did not tell me her health rationale for noncomplia­nce but began to get emotional, defending her right to health privacy and what she sees as mistreatme­nt by the public.

Walking away from my house she was still loudly complainin­g and justifying herself to the empty street. I hope she can return home to her beloved dogs in Texas very soon, keeping safe in the interim.

New Mexico is a friendly state filled with wonderful people. We are all doing the best we can for each other during an unpreceden­ted pandemic and we have a right to expect visitors to obey our laws by wearing a mask to protect themselves and others with whom they come in contact. The census management made a mistake.

Judith Bronner Taos

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