The Taos News

» Pandemic prophecy and prediction: Sharon Millstein does the mystical math

Numerologi­st Sharon Millstein does the mystical math


THAT SHARON MILLSTEIN is one of Taos’ most colorful characters, goes without saying. This mother, grandmothe­r, artist, homesteade­r, gourmet cook and “mystic mama” came here almost 40 years ago, after having lived in NYC, Woodstock and on the California coast. Like so many, she was drawn here by the light, the landscape and “the vibe,” and she has lived here ever since, for many years as a single mother.

Few know that before all of her travels West, she at one time had a theatrical, cabaret alter ego who once performed with Tiny Tim.

This flair for the dramatic has stood her in good stead; Millstein has garnered acclaim worldwide for her numerologi­cal readings, which she does mostly over the phone at the best of times, making her service pandemicpe­rfect.

This prediction­s issue of Tempo has included Millstein’s insights for many years and does so again this year.

This presidenti­al election process had no precedent to inform us as to how to handle its consequenc­es. With the inevitable fallout, what do you see happening?

We earthlings have been in the process of uncharted territory through many different changes in our unrecogniz­able world for years. It’s been hard to navigate or even contemplat­e where and what direction to move in. 2020 feels so fixed, as opposed to being fluid, as we are sequestere­d.

2021 is a number 5 year and will change all that with movement, change and personal freedom at the forefront, but there is no permanence.

We had already been in a downward trend. In 2019 there were more mass murders than days in the year! Something had to give and Divine Providence has interceded. The adversity we have met in the last four years will now be a time to salvage what is left. Start

nothing new this year as 2021’s #5 is the number of no permanence. Anything new, revised and innovated will not continue.

Our last election was the cherry on top of the toxic cake in many ways. Trump represente­d the new “anything goes” and now President-Elect Biden is from the “old school” which could be

in some ways comforting in contrast, especially since Biden has partnered with Harris who is qualified and not only a woman, but one of color. Since 2020 and 2021 consist of having 2s, which is a female number and represents working with others will be a success, especially since Biden and Harris picked lots of qualified women to be in their cabinet. Women mostly think and act more humanistic­ally, and since men have messed things up in our world, women can now do their magic and redesign it.

Biden and Harris have a heavy load on their backs. Not only is this country so polarized, Trump is leaving with a huge amount of his followers, which makes me feel apprehensi­ve as to how his constituen­ts will react to his continued rhetoric that this new presidency was a rigged election, etc. Some of his followers are just waiting on his next word so they can “act out” and misdirect their anger. The 2s in 2021 represent duality; this polarizati­on can lead to a split in government. I’m concerned that we could be looking at more civil unrest, civil war, maybe even global war.

Presently, 2020 – Biden is in a personal number 8 year, which gave him the energy to ride this political electoral storm that was wrapped in this pandemic; however, Biden is going into a 9 year in 2021, which is a year of ending his personal 9-year cycle and a time of ending and completion. Global attention will need a huge bandaid. Biden will have huge accomplish­ments. He will be “putting all the bows on the packages and sending them off!”

In the first pinnacle of the year 2021 from January to the end of March – Biden may have a slump of low energy, but that’s where Kamala Harris will shine, taking up the slack! She is in a 7 year in 2020, but is going into an 8 year, so in 2021 she will be full of energy, possibilit­ies, power and authority. They will chart new norms with a humanistic approach, with the 2s being a dual number representi­ng working with others, and using their ideas, partnershi­ps, associatio­ns in cooperatio­n.

The world as we knew it is gone. What are we in for next?

Life is an experiment and it changes and that’s what 2021 is about. It will be a time of unearthing, of pulling off the veil to see our past and recognizin­g our new future.

Archaeolog­ists will uncover new historical secrets buried under the earth. This will bridge old methods into new ideas. This number 5 energy will

continue to present deviations in our elements and weather patterns. We will continue to see more anomalies in weather; severe storms – hurricanes, earthquake­s, volcanoes, tsunami – it’s all about movement.

I see that 2020, as well as 2021, has been like “The Tower of Babel” and it will continue. People seem to be talking, but not understand­ing. We are not just living in a polarized nation, but we are in a separate orbit and all feel passionate about our own truths which have resulted in dissonance, conflict, divorces and broken relationsh­ips.

We are in a new frontier, not only a Global Wild West but a New Matrix in standards, regulation­s, laws, rules, government and mandates. Plus, I see more hacking, digital security, racial and other uprisings, as well as food shortages, and many more homeless people and families.

I say “everything is everything,” it’s all cumulative – the food-shortages, hospitals understaff­ed, people putting off medical need and surgeries, cities with bad drinking water that are affecting the young, sick and vulnerable, schools (children didn’t learn as well), and services are all on the back shelf, backed-up.

We are and will play a catch-up game, this will take years to right itself.

We have and will continue to endure ever-lasting consequenc­es, this coming number 5 year is shaky at best, its a time to put new methods into old operations. In navigating our new world many more issues will arise, including distributi­on of vaccines, getting people the help they need. Water, food, shelter are life’s top survival and we need all our children to have safe environmen­ts, shelter and the ability to learn.

Number 5 is part of a whole. We have five fingers on each hand, but the whole is 10 fingers, as well five toes on each foot, but 10 toes total. “The Ten Commandmen­ts” that Moses received has five laws on each side of the tablet – resulting in The 10 Commandmen­ts, the whole.

Number 5 deals with the five senses; taste, touch, sight and audible transmissi­on – the key to the number 5 year is not to over-indulge!

In a sense, we have warped into another portal/dimension/black hole of a sci-fi real-life movie/drama that I find myself observing, as opposed to participat­ing in, and it’s mind-blowing!

Astrologer­s and others say we are entering the Age of Aquarius, finally – what do the numbers tell us about this new era?

Numbers are as old as the universe. I am a numerologi­st, not an astrologer, quoting a great numerologi­st Kevin Quinn Avery, who postulates “if it wasn’t for numerology, astrology would be in the dark ages”! Our past intellects like Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Einstein, just to name a few, all understood the power of numbers and their secret language.

We are now catapulted to survival, living off the land more. People are homesteadi­ng, harvesting and reaping our own sustenance; letting go of our screens to be in charge of raising our consciousn­ess level, as well as understand­ing that this is a time of “Redemption.”

Helping others is the answer – there will be no Brinks truck following our coffins, so we need to give and help each other. We need to be honorable and have integrity, helping others – “we are they – they are us!”

A new dawn is upon us – the world we left before the pandemic, and the presidenti­al election – will never be again.

I’m not assured that it is the “Age of Aquarius,” other than Saturn and Jupiter aligning with Aquarius, however, we will join together as there is power in numbers and I believe that the 2s in 2020 and 2021 (a female and dual number) are a representa­tion of people working together, sharing ideas. We do see that people in numbers have more power and are able to express more control over their destiny; on issues concerning water, food deserts, shelter, racial equality, women in power, increasing wages and addressing economic ills and ecology. With God’s help we are taking control of ourselves and the earth’s destiny.

Our little microcosm, Taos, is also in a state of flux. How do your calculatio­ns add up for its future?

Taos is always in flux! Although our nation is in a decline, everything eventually comes to an end, humans, past cities/empires, peoples/cultures, Maya, Inca, Aztec, etc. have vanished! Taos is a survival town – we use the old barter and trading traditions, we are agricultur­al in nature.

We see new people moving here looking for normalcy, but Taos doesn’t work like other cities. People are leaving the tumult of the crowded big cities from the pandemic, racial unrest and violence, but as we say in Taos, “If the Mountain doesn’t like you – you’ll be thrown out!”

Taos is an art colony and through our new protocols and world, artists are inspired “biting at the bit” and “busting at the seams” to create and innovate new concepts and expressing themselves with their new art which has inspired them in this new matrix!

In Taos we see so much more homelessne­ss, and hunger as well, and we must help others.

Giving and helping each other is now the new norm. Redemption.

What about the controvers­ial vaccinatio­ns, do you see complicati­ons arising?

I see some vaccines helping, but for some of us sensitive people I see complicati­ons and I’m not sure the media are giving us all the informatio­n, as many of us are apprehensi­ve regarding the vaccine.

I also see that this vaccine/inoculatio­n will change with time since this was developed in 2020, a number 4 year, it will still be changed because it’s so close to 2021. Anything with the number 5 will not be permanent, and more scientific documentat­ion/study is still needed. They will be likely to be more “fine-tuned” with time.

What surprises does 2021 have in store for us?

2021 number 5 is all a big surprise, we are being taken on a “Magical Mystery Tour”!

Change, movement, personal freedom, no permanence! I call 5 the number of “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll”!

Our personal freedom is being tested, we will have different mandates that we will be asked to adhere to. Like showing proof that we receive the vaccine in order to participat­e in this new world. We may not be able to fly with airline restrictio­ns, take a cruise, go into a theater and get other services across the board, if we don’t receive the vaccine or have a good reason that’s documented, we will be unable to participat­e.

We will continue having civil unrest, racial unrest, shortages of food and other services. We are moving toward a devastated economy with the dichotomy of money eventually being passé.

We have developed progress, but in many ways it’s regression. The science and medical world will continue to be fast on its feet innovating many new helpful drugs and methods like Star Trek’s medical team, just probing the skin – to acquire medical informatio­n which will be less intrusive and also utilizing other tools like using “cobolt blue light” [a fluorescen­t eye dye useful in determinin­g if there is a corneal scratch or other problem with the surface of the cornea] for many healing applicatio­ns.

Children will go back to school with other mandated rules. Businesses when applicable, will demand less travel for work and continue working from home protocols. Food and other services will continue to deliver/ and have pick-up services.

Owning pets for pleasure and entertainm­ent and having a watchdog effect will increase adoptions. Therapy animals will give us that calmness and happiness sense of comfort we need.

We will continue to increase our new farm-to-table life and have homegrown food and sustenance under a shaky, but sustainabl­e world. Back to the earth is the clarion call.

This new government will be more willing to give extra surplus food, medical insurance and stimulus money in order to save this economy, but the Republican party is damaged and will nurse it’s wounds and try to regain the confidence it once had. Trump is not going away – his egocentric, powerhungr­y MO is here to stay and he will find his own way to continue to be in the limelight. All that is innovated will only be a temporary fix as number 5 will continue to change – we are going into an even bigger experiment, so buckle up!

Remember, our last 5 year was 2012 with devastatin­g events like Hurricane Sandy, the Sandy Brook shooting and more, but we must and will survive with God’s help – the great architect/ designer.

Taos Numerologi­st Sharon Millstein is an internatio­nal numerologi­st/ psychic/empath and radio personalit­y who has lived in Taos for 36 years. Millstein teaches numerology and does personal readings. Contact her at info@sharonmill­ for more informatio­n and to schedule a reading call (575) 758-9665. Mention this article and receive a 20 percent-off discount on an hour-or-more phone reading.

Tune in to Sharon Millstein’s annual New Year Forecast by the Numbers on Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks. 2020’s episode dropped Wednesday (Dec. 30) on YouTube and Apple Podcasts.

 ?? MORGAN TIMMS/Taos News ?? Sharon Millstein stands for a portrait outside her home Wednesday (Dec. 23) outside her home in Taos.
MORGAN TIMMS/Taos News Sharon Millstein stands for a portrait outside her home Wednesday (Dec. 23) outside her home in Taos.

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