The Taos News

Los turistas were looking por una nueva experienci­a


Era el fin del mes de enero en Nuevo México y hacía mucho frío. It was the coldest winter that anyone could remember, especialme­nte en el norte del Estado. Toda la familia estaba huddled cerca de la pot-bellied stove, y la Grama Cuca le atizaba cada ratito, stoking it as much as she could. Canutito was lying on the floor adelante del fogón watching Grama Cuca making some warm atole para comer as she adjusted her shawl. He asked her: “Grama, would you ever go picnicking a este tiempo del año, a pesar de que there is so much snow and you could sit en el hielo a comer?”

“¿Qué te pica, m’hijo?” she retorted, “¡Si no estoy loca! Only the people who are crazy or trying to catch a cold, salen pa’fuera at this time of the year. I couldn’t eat a sandwich outside porque it would get bien helado by the time que it got to my mouth. Fuera como si estuviera comiendo un ice cream sandwich en el medio del invierno.”

Canutito smiled and said, “La razon que pregunto is because I saw a unos turistas who were camping out en la nieve.”

“As I said ahorita, m’hijo, yo creyo que están locos. I think que not even los Eskimos like to camp out en la nieve y la única razón that they do so es porque they grew up there in the snow entre los polar bears. I can’t think of anything that I would like less than to camp out en lo frío even si estaba adentro de un igloo. I don’t think que me gustaría recordar in the middle of the night with my buns freezing or stuck to the snow.”

Grampo Caralampio walked into the kitchen mientras que estaban hablando. He smiled y dijo: “When I was young, había una muchacha que trabajaba en un café. I think que me tenía los hots y siempre me daba un smile y she would find excusas para darme un discount. A veces me decía: ‘I’m going you un descuento porque the holes of the doughnuts are too big,’ o a veces she would say: ‘le voy a dar un discount porque the buns of the hotdogs are too cold.’ I thought de que era muy foneh and soon I was referring to her as ‘nuestra señora of the cold buns.’ Y ahora que I heard about algunos turistas camping out en la nieve, I remembered ‘Our Lady of the cold buns.’”

“Why do you suppose que a alguna gente les gusta ir a campar en la nieve?” Canutito asked as his grama served him el atole con una tortilla.

“I really don’t know, m’hijo,” she said. “Es posible que vivan en lugares calentitos como California o Tejas and maybe they want to experience qué es andar en el frío. It is hard to know lo que los turistas andan buscando. A veces quieren join in the local culture or eat in strange places.”

“Sabes tú cómo los Eskimos like to kiss, m’hijo?” Grampo Caralampio asked him. “They rub noses with each pero si hace mucho frío they might get stuck.”

“That’s a good reason para limpiarse las narices as often as possible,” Canutito chided.

“Y también es una buena razón for they should keep that hands en sus bolsillos.” he added

El Grampo Caralampio was busy, pensando en los turistas todavía. He said, “Muchas veces los turistas are trying to escape from their vidas ordinarias y participar en something that they can brag about con sus amigos back home. They want to find algo interesant­e para platicar que andaban en un sitio extraño y que they almost se hicieron uno human popcicles.

“Quizás that is why some us prefer to stay at home donde estamos a gusto,” Canutito said.

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