The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

UN assembly declares US action on Jerusalem ‘null and void’

- By Edith M. Lederer

UNITED NATIONS » The U.N. General Assembly voted 128-9 with 35 abstention­s on Thursday in favor of a nonbinding resolution declaring President Donald Trump’s recognitio­n of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital “null and void,” a smaller margin than the Palestinia­ns hoped for but also a rebuke to the Trump administra­tion which is threatenin­g to cut funding for those who voted “yes.”

The vote was a victory for the Palestinia­ns though many of their supporters were predicting at least 150 “yes” votes or more.

The Trump administra­tion launched a massive lobbying campaign, which included letters sent from U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley to over 180 countries warning that the U.S. would be taking names of those who voted against Trump’s decision.

But when it came to the vote, major U.S. aid recipients including Egypt, Afghanista­n and Iraq ignored Trump’s threat and supported the resolution.

The nine countries voting “no” were the U.S., Israel, Guatemala, Honduras, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Marshall Islands and Togo. Among the notable abstention­s were Australia, Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic and Mexico.

It is also noteworthy that 21 of the 193 U.N. member states were absent for the vote including Kenya, Georgia and Ukraine which have close U.S. ties.

Trump’s threat to cut off U.S. aid raised the stakes in Thursday’s U.N. vote and sparked criticism at his tactics, which one Muslim group called bullying or blackmail.

At the start of the emergency General Assembly meeting ahead of the vote, representa­tives of Arab, Islamic and non-aligned nations rejected his threat and urged a “yes” vote against the U.S. unilateral decision on Jerusalem.

Palestinia­n Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki, who flew to New York for the meeting, called the U.S. action “an aggression on the status of Jerusalem” and said “those who want peace must vote for peace today.”

Trump told reporters on Wednesday that Americans are tired of being taken advantage of by countries that take hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars, and then vote against the United States. He said he will be watching Thursday’s vote: “Let them vote against us. We’ll save a lot. We don’t care.”

Haley echoed his words in her speech to the packed assembly chamber, threatenin­g not only the 193 U.N. member states with funding cuts, but the United Nations itself if the world body approves the resolution declaring Trump’s recognitio­n of Jerusalem “null and void.”

“The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very right of exercising our right as a sovereign nation,” she said.

The vote will make no difference on U.S. plans to move its embassy to Jerusalem, Haley said, but it “will make a difference on how Americans look at the U.N., and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the U.N., and this vote will be remembered.”

Yemen’s U.N. Khaled Hussein Mohamed Alyemany, whose country chairs the Arab Group at the United Nations, introduced the resolution and urged all “peace-loving countries” to vote in favor of it.

He called Trump’s action “a blatant violation of the rights of the Palestinia­n people and the Arab nations, and all Muslims and Christians of the world,” and “a dangerous violation and breach of internatio­nal law.”

It threatens peace in the world, undermines any chance for peace in the Mideast, “and only serves to fan the fires of violence and extremism,” Alyemany warned.

Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, tweeted after Trump’s comments: “Our government should not use its leadership at the UN to bully/ blackmail other nations that stand for religious liberty and justice in Jerusalem. Justice is a core value of Christiani­ty, Judaism and Islam.”

The Palestinia­ns and their Arab and Islamic supporters sought the General Assembly vote after the United States on Monday vetoed a resolution supported by the 14 other U.N. Security Council members that would have required Trump to rescind his declaratio­n on Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and not move the U.S. Embassy there.

Palestinia­n U.N. Ambassador Riyad Mansour told The Associated Press before comments by Trump and Haley that he expected “massive support” for the resolution in the General Assembly.

Before flying to New York, al-Maliki and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu accused the U.S. of intimidati­on and said they believe U.N. members will ignore U.S. pressure.

“No honorable state would bow to such pressure,” Cavusoglu said. “The world has changed. The belief that ‘I am strong therefore I am right’ has changed. The world today is revolting against injustices.”

Ambassador Rhonda King of the tiny Caribbean nation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines sent Haley a letter saying that her country treasures the United States “as an enduring ally” but will vote against Trump’s action.

“Sometimes, friends differ; on Jerusalem, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines respectful­ly differs from the USA; and so, too, do many of the staunchest friends and allies of the USA,” King wrote.

Israel also conducted a global lobbying campaign against the resolution, government officials said Wednesday.

Netanyahu acknowledg­ed Thursday the vote would likely pass by a wide margin but said Israel “completely rejects this vote before it is made.”

 ?? KIM HAUGHTON/UNITED NATIONS VIA AP ?? In this Dec. 18 photo, the Security Council votes on a resolution concerning Jerusalem’s status at United Nations headquarte­rs. The United States on Monday vetoed a resolution supported by the 14 other U.N. Security Council members that would have...
KIM HAUGHTON/UNITED NATIONS VIA AP In this Dec. 18 photo, the Security Council votes on a resolution concerning Jerusalem’s status at United Nations headquarte­rs. The United States on Monday vetoed a resolution supported by the 14 other U.N. Security Council members that would have...

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