The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

White House pushes to combat covert Chinese influence


A little-noticed passage in the Trump administra­tion’s national-security strategy released last month previewed a new push to combat Chinese influence operations that affect American universiti­es, think tanks, movie studios and news organizati­ons.

The investigat­ions by Congress and the FBI into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidenti­al campaign won’t be affected by the added focus on China, officials say. Instead, the aim is to highlight Chinese activities that often get a free pass but can have a toxic long-term effect because of China’s growing wealth and power.

A National Security Council interagenc­y group is coordinati­ng the administra­tion’s study of Chinese activities that are “outside traditiona­l espionage, in the gray area of covert influence operations,” a senior administra­tion official said. The rationale, noted in the 55-page strategy document, is that “America’s competitor­s weaponize informatio­n to attack the values and institutio­ns that underpin free societies, while shielding themselves from outside informatio­n.”

In targeting Chinese operations, the administra­tion is walking a delicate line between helping American academics, think-tank experts and journalist­s resist pressure and fomenting mass public anxiety about Beijing’s activities. Officials say they want to avoid the hysteria of the 1950s — but also help American institutio­ns push back against intimidati­on from a Chinese Communist Party that is rich, self-confident and seductive in a way that Russia has never been.

What we’re talking about are coercive and covert activities designed to influence elections, officials, policies, company decisions and public opinion.”

An administra­tion official offered examples of how American institutio­ns can be pressured by China:

— Universiti­es host more than 350,000 Chinese, making up nearly a third of all foreign students here. Beijing encourages students to join local branches of the Chinese Students and Scholars Associatio­n. Sometimes, students get squeezed. The senior official cites the case of a Chinese student from a dissident family who was warned by a friend not to share personal details — because she would report them to Chinese intelligen­ce.

— Think tanks are eager to study China, but often the money to support research comes from business executives with close relations with Beijing. That can lead to subtle proChina bias. In conversati­ons with think-tank leaders, the senior official said, he has stressed “the need for think tanks to cast a brighter light in this area. We think sunlight is the best disinfecta­nt.”

— Hollywood studios face an especially delicate problem, because the Chinese box office is so important to their bottom line. Ticket sales in China rose from $1.5 billion in 2010 to $8.6 billion last year, second only to America. Inevitably, U.S. studios fear offending Chinese official sensibilit­ies.

— News organizati­ons can face pressure, too. China can restrict visas for journalist­s or publicatio­ns it sees as too aggressive. After Bloomberg News published revelation­s in 2012 about the family wealth of Chinese political leaders, Beijing temporaril­y blocked sales of Bloomberg’s financial data terminals in China, a potentiall­y crippling move.

China’s glittering modern facade often convinces outsiders that it’s a country just like the West. Not so, says Peter Mattis, a former CIA analyst who now studies Chinese influence activities for the Jamestown Foundation. When American thought leaders interact with Chinese representa­tives, it’s not a freeflowin­g “conduit,” he says, but a controlled circuit.

America has never faced a rival quite like China, which presents such a compelling, wellfinanc­ed challenge to democratic values. America certainly doesn’t want a new “Red Scare,” but maybe a wake-up call.

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