The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Put aside all anxious thoughts about tomorrow

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito Columnist

St. Francis de Sales offered to us one of the great principles of life when he stated,

“Do not look forward to what might happen tomorrow; the same everlastin­g Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow, and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginatio­ns.”

Pause for a moment, inhale, then exhale, and realize that God loves and cares for you.

In the quiet and stillness, remember that no matter how challengin­g your circumstan­ces are at the moment, God will walk with you and guide you through each step of your journey.

There are times when we are overwhelme­d by the frustratio­ns and stresses of life. But it tells us in the Bible that God was with David during his darkest hours of despair. And so He will be with you. God was with the children of Israel, as He delivered them out of Egypt. Likewise, He will never leave or forsake you. And as Daniel sat in the den of lions, he was kept from harm. Similarly, there is no situation that is too tough for our God to turn around for our great good.

Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast thy burdens on the Lord and He shall sustain thee,” and Psalm 34:18 tells us, “The Lord is close to the brokenhear­ted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit,” Therefore, let us reflect on God’s word, instead of our worries, keeping our focus on Him, our unfailing, unchanging source of strength.

I’ve heard it said that to have peace of mind is to repeatedly fill your mind with peace. Prayer is a strong antidote in easing anxiety and can help to restore our inner harmony. So let’s convert worry-time into prayer-time. For when we pray through a problem, the burden can be totally lifted. Last year, I received a letter from a reader who described how she was anxiously waiting MRI results for her daughter, who was having severe headaches. She prayed for some sort of sign that her daughter would be okay. Then, one day, while driving to work, a car pulled out in front of her and the license plate read, “Hopeful.” She was full of joy and appreciati­on, as she knew this was the sign for which she had prayed. Sure enough, her daughter’s MRI tests were normal. It was a sinus infection that was causing the pain and that was treatable. “I truly believe that God is listening,” she noted.

Thus, set aside moments to pray and with a heart full of gratitude, give continual thanks to God. One lady wrote to me and said that every night she sits at her desk at home and writes in what she calls her “Thankfulne­ss Diary.” She jots down at least three things for which she is so grateful and then meditates on these blessings. This lady reported that when she does this, her mind and body becomes relaxed. And the more she thanks and draws near to God, the more He takes care of all her problems, bringing her perfect peace.

“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8).

Regular exercise, with your doctor’s approval, can help to defuse worry and clear your mind. I find that even 10 minutes of exercise here and there throughout a busy day can be beneficial, leaving me in a calmer state. A gentleman that I know says that he takes early morning walks outdoors to melt away stress. With each step he takes, he visualizes that he is walking “past” each of his difficulti­es; step by step, onward to victory. After that, he affirms to himself, “I will not be defeated,” “I’m more than a conqueror,” “I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might,” and “God is with me.”

Much anxiety is due to what we “tell ourselves.” Turn away from discouragi­ng voices. If we catch ourselves in negative selftalk, we must immediatel­y replace it with a positive reflection. Push away extraneous thoughts. If we’re inclined to think of the worst scenario, let us train ourselves to shift things around and think on only the best possible outcome. Always try to put the emphasis on the positives of life. God is closely watching us and what kind of outlook we have, especially when things don’t go our way. Similar to a diamond in the making, let’s face the pressures we encounter with grace, faith and courage. And soon, like the diamond, we will emerge with a new luster, a new brilliance and new clarity.

A few weeks ago, I drove by a house and saw a variety of household items scattered all over their front lawn. “This must be a tag sale,” I thought to myself; as the car in front of mine slowed down to get a look. Next, I noticed a large sign in front of the house that read, “It’s Free!”

That is what our heavenly Father is saying to us: “Come to Me, dear child. Let Me handle your worries, and the price? It’s Free!”

Take to God everything that concerns you. His power is far greater than we can imagine, and He stands ready to perform miracles beyond our comprehens­ion.

So put aside all anxious thoughts. Whatever you need today, God is there for you.

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