The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

State court ruling is win for voter rights


It’s been a pretty good couple of days for underdogs.

No, we’re not talking only about the Eagles.

We’re talking about those who took one look at the Pennsylvan­ia Congressio­nal map, noticed how it was contorted and twisted into bizarre shapes in a blatant display of partisansh­ip, and cried foul.

Monday the state Supreme Court agreed with them.

Not only that, but the justices ordered the maps – a result of the redistrict­ing done back in 2011 based on the results of the 2010 census – be thrown out. They ordered the state Legislatur­e to take another shot at it, redraw the maps, and submit the plan to Gov. Tom Wolf by Feb. 15 – in time for the new boundaries to be in place for the May Primary. If they fail to get the job done, the justices said they would take up the job themselves.

The League of Women Voters took one look at the state’s reconfigur­ed Congressio­nal districts after the 2010 census and smelled a rat.

The League went to court seeking to have the map tossed out, claiming it was blatantly political.

And they got a Commonweal­th Court judge to agree with them. But while noting the last redistrict­ing process was dripping with partisan flavor in an effort to favor Republican­s, the judge ruled it was not unconstitu­tional.

Monday the state Supreme Court disagreed.

The court, dominated 5-2 by Democrats, agreed with the League, and the lower court judge - but tossed out the maps and ordered the state Legislatur­e to draw up new maps.

It’s a huge victory for everyone who believes that every vote should count, and that partisan politics should not be a part of the process, in effect deciding races long before voters can even enter their polling places.

Republican members are now themselves joining their counterpar­ts who brought the lawsuit in crying foul. Only they don’t have a problem with the bizarre contortion­s they concocted in the process. Instead they see another form of politics, the Democratic high court playing its own game of politics and show a lack of respect for the Constituti­on and legislativ­e process.

We agree that there is no way to separate politics from this issue, so long as redistrict­ing sits in the bailiwick of the Legislatur­e. We concur with those who would like to process taken out of the clutches of politician­s.

Pennsylvan­ia has 18 congressio­nal districts. Currently, 13 of them are filled by Republican­s, despite a voter registrati­on that continues to trend Democratic and a voting pattern that also has consistent­ly drifted toward the Dem side of the ledger, Donald Trump’s win not withstandi­ng.

Republican­s would have us believe this is because voters prefer their candidates and policies.

We concur with the League of Women Voters, in seeing a masterful political con job that twisted the boundaries of districts to take advantage of GOP stronghold­s, and restrict Democratic pockets in areas that were already traditiona­lly Democratic and left Republican­s little hope of victory.

It’s part of the reason why one-time swing districts held by Pat Meehan in the 7th and Ryan Costello in the 6th have proven to be GOP stronghold­s.

Both already were expected to face stern tests in the 2018 mid-terms as a wave of antiTrump fervor that manifested itself with unpreceden­ted Democratic victories in November continued.

All of that is politics, and will play out one way or another.

What was at stake before the state high court was something more important, something fundamenta­l to our democracy, the simple notion that every vote counts.

Through the political cunning of gerrymande­ring, that was increasing­ly not the case.

The districts were drawn up to protect incumbents. Races often were decided before voters got anywhere close to the polls.

That is a dangerous, slippery path. It leads to public apathy, and disenchant­ed voters who believe their votes no longer count and thus fail to take part in the process at all.

Gerrymande­ring is undemocrat­ic – and we’re not referring to the political party.

This week’s Supreme Court ruling goes a long way to eradicatin­g that blotch on Pennsylvan­ia politics.

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