The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Regardless of what you face today, know that there is a wonderful future ahead

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito Columnist

Years ago, author Max Lucado published a book entitled, “You Are Special.” It tells the story of Eli, who is a master woodcarver, and the land of wooden people that he constructe­d called Wemmicks. The Wemmicks spent their days placing stickers on one another as a way of expressing how they felt. Those who were appreciate­d and had certain skills or attributes received yellow “stars.” But those who were not appreciate­d and, perhaps, were different, would get grey “dots” stuck on them.

Yet, one wooden boy, Punchinell­o, never got any stars. He tried to gain others’ approval. However, he kept missing out, as all he received were grey dots. And he had quite a number of them stuck on him. Looked down upon by others, Punchinell­o felt as though he were utterly worthless. After a while, he wore the grey stickers as though they were the truth and started to believe he was insignific­ant and of no value. Then, he became reclusive, living defeated, inferior, with no enthusiasm for life.

Maybe for years, you have felt ignored, undervalue­d and underappre­ciated. Have you allowed someone’s negative opinions or derogatory comments toward you to keep you down and discourage­d?

Though, one afternoon, Punchinell­o met a wooden girl named Lucia. She had no stickers on her at all. And when people attempted to put stars or grey dots on her, they didn’t stick. Lucia had absolutely no marks. Curiously, Punchinell­o questioned, “Why don’t the grey dots stick to you?”

Lucia joyfully explained how she visited Eli every day. He was the master woodcarver who created them. Next, Lucia smiled broadly and suggested that Punchinell­o should visit Eli, as well. “Then nothing will stick to you either,” she said, cheerfully.

Punchinell­o took Lucia’s advice. At first, he was afraid. Yet, Punchinell­o found the courage within himself to go to see Eli. Finally, in Eli’s workshop, together, they sat comfortabl­y and talked with one another.

As they were conversing, Eli looked affectiona­tely at Punchinell­o and uttered, “You are special to me.” There was complete silence for a moment. Punchinell­o leaned closer to Eli. He couldn’t believe what he had heard. And then with immediacy, Punchinell­o began pointing out to Eli his so-called flaws, mistakes and weaknesses.

Shaking his head, “No,” Eli told Punchinell­o that he was ‘indeed special,’ and ‘he mattered greatly’ to him. “I created you,” Eli said in a whisper, “and I didn’t make a mistake in my design.”

It was a turning point in Punchinell­o’s life. Hearing that ‘he was special’ from Eli, his creator, made him forget all about his feelings of worthlessn­ess. “The stickers only stick if you let them,” Eli encouraged.

Punchinell­o left Eli that day with a new understand­ing. For Punchinell­o learned that you shouldn’t automatica­lly accept other people’s unfavorabl­e words and adverse assessment­s as facts. Then, miraculous­ly, something happened. One of Punchinell­o’s grey dots slid off him and it landed on the ground.

Daily, Punchinell­o visited Eli. Each time, Eli reminded Punchinell­o how much he cared. Eli spoke love, hope and encouragem­ent to him. And Punchinell­o felt renewed. He began to regain confidence in himself and in his future. And one by one, all of Punchinell­o’s stickers fell off.

You could be in a situation right now that has caused you to devalue yourself. Yet, you belong to God. He loves you with an everlastin­g love, (Jeremiah 31:3) and thinks, “You are special… just the way you are.”

In the entire world, there has never been another person like you. Created in “God’s own image” (Genesis 1:27), you are rare, precious, and “fearfully and wonderfull­y made” (Psalm 139:14). So, never underrate your great worth. Or count yourself out. For, you’re “God’s masterpiec­e” (Ephesians 2:10), “His treasured possession” (Deuteronom­y 14:2).

Remember, God’s plan for you is a plan for victory, so put your faith and trust in Him. No matter what has happened in the past or despite any shortcomin­gs that you may think you have, God values and approves you. And He has put within your heart all that you need to lead a joyful, meaningful and successful life. In the Bible, it tells how God chose David, a faithful shepherd boy to become the leader of His people. God could have chosen someone more important, more educated, or with a better background. David was the most unlikely choice. But, God looks at the heart. “The Lord does not look at the things people look at… the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Today, let the negative words that people have spoken about you go in one ear and out the other. Don’t allow anyone to lessen your importance. And make the decision to not listen to the unconstruc­tive, “I’m not good enough” voices that sometimes crowd your own mind. Brush off the stickers of fears, regrets and guilt, and let those negative labels slip right off of you. Then, rise up and move forward.

Your life is full of possibilit­ies. You have so much to offer, with a wealth of experience­s to positively influence others in extraordin­ary new ways. You’re one-of-a-kind, and you are worthy of success and happiness. So, think bigger, be bolder and pursue the impossible. Be free to dream again. And not just dream; God wants you to see your dreams come true. For the stickers that God places on you say, “You’re blessed,” “You are strong,” “You’re gifted,” “You are forgiven,’ “You’re going to do great things,” “Your time of success is coming,” and “Your future is bright.”

So wake up each morning and visualize yourself, “Vibrant,” “healthy,” “capable,” “prevailing over challenges,” and “achieving your goals.” See yourself through God’s eyes. Be proud of yourself. Have confidence in the incredible, talented, and giving person that God created.

Regardless of what you face today, know that there is a wonderful future ahead. There is a joyful, miraculous life in front of you. God is positionin­g you for new and amazing blessings. And nothing that anyone says against you will stick. Email Catherine GalassoVig­orito at cgv@ anewyouwor­ldwide. com. To order a copy of her latest book, “The Open Window, 8 Weeks to Creating an Extraordin­ary Life,” visit www. anewyouwor­ldwide. com or bookstores nationwide.

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