The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Judge sides with Philly in ‘sanctuary city’ fight

- By Claudia Lauer

PHILADELPH­IA » A federal judge ruled Wednesday that the Trump administra­tion cannot cut off grants to Philadelph­ia over the way the city deals with immigrants in the country illegally.

U.S. District Judge Michael Baylson said in his ruling that the conditions the federal government placed on the city in order to receive the funding are unconstitu­tional, “arbitrary and capricious.” He also wrote that Philadelph­ia’s policies are reasonable and appropriat­e.

Philadelph­ia has said it will turn over immigrants to Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t only if the agency has a warrant signed by a judge.

The federal requiremen­ts included allowing Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t officers access to prisons to interview people of interest, providing advanced notice of release of those people and following rules prohibitin­g restrictio­ns on disclosure of any person’s immigratio­n status.

“The public statements of President (Donald) Trump and Attorney General (Jeff) Sessions, asserting that immigrants commit more crimes than native-born citizens, are inaccurate as applied to Philadelph­ia, and do not justify the imposition of these three conditions,” Baylson wrote.

Federal attorneys had said the city’s policies put federal immigratio­n agents in danger and create situations where criminals in the country illegally are released and allowed to reoffend.

A spokesman for the city said Wednesday afternoon that staff was reviewing the ruling. A request for comment from the Department of Justice was not immediatel­y returned Wednesday.

The city had said that the requiremen­ts on federal grant spending were unconstitu­tional and that following them would promote a perception in the community that it was serving as an arm of federal immigratio­n enforcemen­t. City attorneys had argued that would create a barrier for immigrants to seek out city services ranging from health care to calling the police when they’re victimized.

Baylson wrote that Philadelph­ia is entitled to prompt payment of the grant funds, but he has given the city and Justice Department time to suggest language for a final decree making that an order.

Several other “sanctuary cities” have opted to limit cooperatio­n with government enforcemen­t of immigratio­n law. The Justice Department has threatened to cut off millions of dollars in federal grants to cities if they don’t meet certain criteria for cooperatin­g with immigratio­n officials. Philadelph­ia’s attorneys had argued the move is unconstitu­tional and that it harms residents by withholdin­g money earmarked to help buy kits to counteract opioid overdoses.

Sessions has said that cities that don’t help enforce immigratio­n law are endangerin­g public safety, especially when it comes to sharing informatio­n about immigrants who have been accused of crimes.

A federal appeals court in April sided with Chicago in a similar dispute.

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