The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Trump rhetoric belies way of the world

- Christine Flowers Columnist

I have always been a woman of the world, starting when I was a second-grader of the world. That was the year, 1969, when I started to study Spanish. My old grade school, Ancilla Domini, was run by an order of Spanish nuns, and their native language was part of the mandatory curriculum. I only got as far as saying the Hail Mary and a few random blessings (I could do a mean Act of Contrition) but it taught me the power of language. Being able to communicat­e, even at my limited 7-yearold level, in an entirely different way was a heady thing for this child of North Philly.

We moved a short while later to Delaware County, where I’ve lived ever since. That autumn I started at Merion Mercy, and abandoned Spanish for French. I still remember those 45 rpms in the “Bonjour France!” curriculum and the little books that went with them. Even though we only had a half hour a day of the exotic new idiom, I began to explore the wonders of a wider universe. My teacher facilitate­d a pen pal exchange, and I was matched up with a girl named Marie-Therese Favery from a city called Ballon, which I insisted on calling Balloon. Our pen pal friendship didn’t last very long, but my love affair with French and foreign languages continue to this day.

I majored in French at Bryn Mawr, spent my junior year in Paris, and ended up teaching both French and Spanish at several schools before settling down to practice immigratio­n law. On any given day, I speak French with West or North Africans, Spanish with Central and South Americans, or even Italian with some of my paesani. I can also fake a good conversati­on in Portuguese, and can even say my name and count to 10 in Romanian.

I do not say this to brag. I am writing about my love of languages to try and explain why I am so disappoint­ed in President Trump’s attitude toward NATO. I understand the cold, hard facts about how we have been paying a disproport­ionate amount in supporting our allies, and have absolutely no problem whatsoever with Trump trying to shame the other treaty members into picking up some slack. The fact that he’s gotten them to agree to an increase in their shared financial obligation is a definite feather in his cap, and both I and my wallet thank him.

And if it stopped there, I wouldn’t have a problem, or a column to write. But it doesn’t stop there. With the exception of a few half-hearted comments about the importance of NATO, dragged out of him like the name, rank and serial number of a captured POW, our president has shown disdain for both the organizati­on itself, and its allied members. True, he did comment at a news conference in Brussels that “the United States’ commitment to NATO is very strong, remains very strong (and) I believe in NATO.”

But this begrudging nugget came after blistering attacks on the member countries, and preceded a meeting with Boris Johnson, a vocal critic of British Prime Minister Theresa May. This doesn’t even include the fact that Trump essentiall­y belittled Angela Merkel, a woman who watched the Berlin Wall being built as a young girl.

There are actually too many insults to include in one column, so I’ll just say that our president has shown a visceral hostility and dislike for people who don’t speak English (and even a few who speak it with a peculiar accent).

This is more than just political wrangling. This is a return to that old American isolationi­sm seen most vividly in a movement known as “America First,” which flourished in the years leading up to Pearl Harbor.

I do not want us to return to the days when our interests ended at the shoreline. I have spent a lifetime teaching people about the beauty of other lands, and parallel lifetime helping foreigners come to this country and enrich it with their talents and passion. I refuse to believe that President Trump speaks for the majority of Americans when he scolds and disparages our allies who, like family members, may sometimes disappoint us but who will be there the moment we are threatened with harm.

John Donne wrote, “No man is an island, no man stands alone.” That goes for countries, too.

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