The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Answers to 5 common questions about workplace sexual harassment


In the wake of high-profile cases and hashtags, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunit­y Commission (EEOC) recently reported that it received 12 percent more complaints of workplace sexual harassment in 2018 than it did in 2017. As a result, the agency filed 41 sexual harassment lawsuits in 2018 (an increase of more than 50 percent over 2017) and recovered nearly $70 million for victims through litigation and administra­tive enforcemen­t (an increase of nearly $40 million).

As companies continue to grapple with cultures that have failed to prevent sexual harassment, many find themselves in a position of much-needed change. However, that change is complicate­d, and the people charged with driving it often have more questions than answers.

This article lists five of the most common questions employers have regarding sexual harassment, what it entails, and how to respond to complaints.

FAQ No. 1 – What is a “reasonable person”?

At the federal level, the legal definition of sexual harassment often hinges on how a “reasonable person” might interpret the behavior. Would said reasonable person find the behavior merely rude, or would he or she find it so offensive that it could interfere with job performanc­e?

While it might seem odd that such important considerat­ions are subject to such an imprecise standard, it’s actually a common practice in the legal landscape. So, what’s an employer to do?

First, consider that this reasonable individual would always view a situation in the legally appropriat­e way. That means that any behavior that is clearly defined as illegal (e.g., offers of rewards or threats of punishment in exchange for sex) would automatica­lly qualify as harassment in the eyes of a reasonable person.

Second, when trying to assess what said reasonable person would think of a more complicate­d situation, envision him or her in the shoes of the person making the complaint. In the same scenario, would a similarly situated person without any previous knowledge of the people involved consider the behavior inappropri­ate? For instance, if the complainan­t is a female machine operator, don’t try to imagine how her male manager might interpret the situation. Instead, imagine being in her shoes because how she interprets the behavior is the single most important factor.

FAQ No. 2 – Wait, groping isn’t sexual harassment?

If an employee reports that she has been touched inappropri­ately, don’t hesitate to implement your sexual harassment

policy. That said, the reported behavior might not qualify as sexual harassment at all.

It’s important to remember that sexual harassment takes only two legal forms: quid pro quo (requiring someone to endure harassment to avoid consequenc­es or receive a benefit) and hostile work environmen­t (prolonged exposure to harassing behavior).

At first, these definition­s seem to overlook the most obvious type of harassment: physical. However, acts such as groping actually fall under the category of sexual assault. If assault is reported, employers should immediatel­y react to put an end to the behavior and report it to authoritie­s, if necessary.

That said, a climate that perpetuate­s or even encourages such behavior, or one that looks the other way when it happens, will almost certainly fall under the category of a hostile work environmen­t, too.

FAQ No. 3 — Can a work environmen­t be hostile but not sexual?

Employers often ask if the term “hostile work environmen­t” can apply even if the offending behavior is not of a sexual nature. The short answer is yes, but the longer answer is (of course) more complicate­d.

First, remember that legal harassment only occurs when unlawful conduct is motivated by a protected characteri­stic, such as sex, age, race, religion, etc. If an employee is equally rude to everyone, it might make for a terrible work environmen­t, but it’s not illegal.

Imagine a particular­ly cranky floor manager who regularly demeans and swears at his subordinat­es. The culture this kind of behavior creates is sure to be unpleasant, and employees are likely to be pretty unhappy. However, unless the manager happens to be mistreatin­g the employees solely because of their sex (or age, race, etc.), it’s not a hostile work environmen­t because it’s not legal harassment.

Of course, this doesn’t mean your rude employee can’t be discipline­d for the bad behavior. Ensure your internal policies address how to handle these bad actors.

FAQ No. 4 — Is a temp allowed to sue for sexual harassment?

The really short answer: Yes. While temporary workers may not count as bona fide employees in many other areas (benefits, etc.), if a temp is harassed at your place of business, your place of business is at risk.

Some state sexual harassment laws have codified this by defining temps as employees, but courts everywhere have largely interprete­d the federal laws that define sexual harassment to apply to any worker over whom the employer has control.

FAQ No. 5 — Why shouldn’t complaints be confidenti­al?

One of the most common reasons employees cite for not reporting harassment is a fear of retaliatio­n if word were to get out. Because the EEOC cites retaliatio­n as its most frequently alleged charge, this fear is clearly well founded.

Employers might feel inclined to guarantee some measure of confidenti­ality to encourage reporting and avoid retaliatio­n, but such a move would be unwise (and legally questionab­le).

While the EEOC suggests keeping the complaint and ensuing investigat­ion as confidenti­al as possible, promising to keep an employee’s complaint confidenti­al makes it nearly impossible to properly investigat­e a claim and correct or prevent future harassment.

Instead, ensure that employees know all reports of harassment will be taken seriously and that retaliatio­n will not be tolerated in any form. Leading by example and establishi­ng a culture of trust will do far more than empty promises of confidenti­ality ever could.


The key to remember is this: Sexual harassment remains one of the most discussed and most misunderst­ood issues a business can face. Understand­ing the legal nuances is essential to helping reduce risk and improve workplace culture.

Ann Potratz is an associate editor with J.J. Keller & Associates, a nationally recognized compliance resource firm. The company offers a diverse line of products and services to address the broad range of responsibi­lities held by human resources and corporate profession­als. Potratz specialize­s in business topics such as discrimina­tion and harassment, background checks, and security. She is the editor of J.J. Keller’s Employment Law Today newsletter and Essentials of Employment Law manual. For more informatio­n, visit and www.jjkellerli­

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