The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Democrats are not serious about police reform

- Marc A. Thiessen Columnist

We saw how seriously congressio­nal Democrats were taking police reform when Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., dismissed legislatio­n introduced by Sen. Tim Scott, RS.C., as a “token, half-hearted approach.” For Durbin to question the seriousnes­s and sincerity of Scott — a Black man who has experience­d police discrimina­tion — was disgracefu­l.

Not to be outdone, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described Scott’s bill as trying to get away with the murder of George Floyd. She refused to apologize.

What Democrats should be apologizin­g for was their shameful vote on the Senate floor Wednesday to kill Scott’s legislatio­n — and with it any chance of passing police reform this year. Democrats knew what they were doing. As Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, one of three members of the Democratic caucus who voted to advance the Scott bill, explained, “voting against it will end the discussion of this subject in the Senate for the foreseeabl­e future, and leave us with nothing to show for all the energy and passion that has brought this issue to the forefront of public consciousn­ess.”

He’s right. If Democrats cared about getting something done, they would have allowed the Senate to move forward and sought to amend Scott’s bill on the floor. Scott’s legislatio­n had already incorporat­ed a number of Democratic proposals, including: making lynching a federal hate crime; creating a national policing commission to conduct a review of the U.S. criminal justice system; collecting data on use of force by police; barring the use of chokeholds by federal officers and withholdin­g federal funds to state and local law enforcemen­t agencies that do not similarly bar them; and withholdin­g federal money to police department­s that fail to report to the Justice Department when noknock warrants are used.

Indeed, Republican­s offered to allow votes on as many amendments as Democrats wanted — something Pelosi has refused to allow House Republican­s to do to the House police reform bill. Scott promised Democrats he would filibuster his own bill if they did not get votes they sought. Scott even told Democrats he would vote to support some of their amendments, giving them the real prospect of making significan­t changes to the bill.

Even if Democrats didn’t fully embrace the compromise bill the Senate eventually passed, they would have another chance to improve it in negotiatio­ns with the House. If, after all that effort, they still did not like the results of the House-Senate conference, then Democrats (who control the House) could still have refused to bring a final bill to the floor. But at least they could have claimed they made a real effort to reach bipartisan consensus.

But Democrats’ failure to even try this shows they were not interested in compromise. Scott says his Democratic colleagues told him “we’re not here to talk about that” and walked out. They voted not to even allow debate on his bill, which they knew meant police reform would not happen this year. That, Scott said, was a tragedy. “We lost — I lost — a vote on a piece of legislatio­n that would have led to systemic change in the relationsh­ip between the communitie­s of color and the law enforcemen­t community.”

At a time when much of our country seems to be descending into chaos — with violence in the streets, autonomous zones being declared and mobs pulling down statues — Americans want their elected leaders to behave like adults, work together and get something done. Republican­s put forward a good-faith effort to do just that. But Democrats apparently care more about using the issue to energize their base on Election Day than working with Republican­s to enact police reform.

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