The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Watch out for danger around backyard pools


Summer may be winding down, but this is no time for people to let their guard down when it comes to safety at swimming pools, particular­ly those in backyards.

Pennsylvan­ia led the nation in fatal child pool/spa drownings in July, with five such deaths reported across the state, according to data tabulated by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Pool Safely campaign. The finding was based on media reports compiled by the USA Swimming Foundation.

Nationwide, there were 48 media reported fatal child pool/spa drownings in July, a 62% spike compared with June. Of these drownings, 40% occurred between July 1 and 8, during the days surroundin­g the Independen­ce Day holiday, the CPSC reported.

Pool season will continue for at least a few more weeks, and it’s imperative that everyone follow simple water safety steps to help prevent a tragedy. That’s especially true this summer, as the coronaviru­s pandemic has many people relying on home pools that don’t have lifeguards on duty.

The CPSC Pool Safely campaign urges parents and caregivers to follow these simple steps to stay safe in and around the water:

• Never leave a child unattended in or near water, and always designate an adult to watch the water. This person should not be reading, texting, using a smartphone or be otherwise distracted. This warning applies to pools and spas as well as bathtubs, buckets, decorative ponds and fountains.

• If you own a pool or spa, be sure to install layers of protection, including a four-sided fence with a self-closing, selflatchi­ng gate.

• Learn how to perform CPR on children and adults. Many communitie­s offer such training online.

• Learn how to swim and teach your child how to swim.

• Keep children away from pool drains, pipes, and other openings to avoid entrapment.

• Ensure any pool and spa you use has drain covers that comply with federal safety standards. If you do not know, ask your pool service provider about safer drain covers.

• Visit for its Kids’ Corner to keep children entertaine­d and educated with water safety games and activities along with water safety resources for adults.

The spike in drownings this summer is no aberration. Child drownings remain the leading cause of unintentio­nal death among children ages 1 to 4 years old.

The CPSC reported that there were, on average, 379 reported pool-or-spa-related fatal drownings per year for 2015 through 2017, involving children younger than 15. Annual fatal drowning rates increased during that period, with a spike of 395 reported fatalities involving children younger than 15.

Not surprising­ly, residentia­l locations, such as a child’s home, a family or friend’s house or a neighbor’s residence, made up 71% of the reported fatal drowning incidents. Children younger than 5 accounted for 75% of child drownings between 2015 and 2017, 56% of which were attributed to a gap in adult supervisio­n.

“Water safety vigilance remains as important as ever, especially in light of ongoing public health concerns and community restrictio­ns related to COVID-19,” CPSC Acting Chairman Robert Adler said at the start of the summer. “Our latest report confirms that most child drownings take place at home during the summer months.

“This year, with more families spending time at home, the delayed opening of many public pools, and a pause on many traditiona­l group swimming lessons, I urge everyone to take critical safety steps to reverse the upward trend in fatal child drownings.”

The CPSC reported that in addition to drownings, there were an estimated 6,700 trips to emergency rooms for nonfatal pool-or spa-related injuries each year for 2017 through 2019. This is the equivalent of about 18 children every day.

We encourage people to have fun during the waning days of this most challengin­g summer. Just be sure to do everything possible to make it safe.

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