The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

From China to corona, the biggest winners of 2020

- Columnist

With 2020 at last in the rear view mirror, it’s time to safely name the year’s biggest winners. Here’s a spotlight on those who won — though not necessaril­y in the convention­al sense:

— By far, without a doubt, no question about it, the biggest winners of 2020 are the scientists who developed the COVID-19 vaccines. In an age where “hero” is often heaped upon the undeservin­g, calling those who are saving the world from utter devastatio­n “heroes” is a gross understate­ment.

Had the scientists failed to unlock COVID’s secrets, countless more would have become infected, hundreds of thousands — possibly millions — would have perished, and the economic and physical security of damn near everyone on the planet would have been placed in severe jeopardy.

If Congress would finally mandate that our medication­s be manufactur­ed in America — not China, where upwards of 90 percent of our drugs are made — that would be the additional shot in the arm needed to ensure our nation’s health.

— Coronaviru­s/Entitlemen­t: America has the largest number of cases, and most deaths related to COVID-19. And why? Because we’ve become an “allabout-me, I’ll-do-whatever-Iwant” nation. Instead of following science and common sense to contain the worst pandemic in 100 years, too many politicize it (not wearing masks in “protest”), pack bars and gyms, and host big get-togethers — yet have the gall to be angry at more restrictiv­e measures while complainin­g that their business is losing money.

Given our status as whining, petulant children, coronaviru­s was a winner this year. God help us when the next one hits. And it most definitely will.

— China: And then we have China, origin of the pandemic. One of two things is true. Either China developed C19 as the perfect biological pathogen in its Wuhan bioweapons lab (where it was either deliberate­ly or unintentio­nally released), or the virus originated in a Chinese “wet market” where it made the leap from exotic animal to human. Either way, China needs to be held accountabl­e.

Yet despite all the hard-line talk from the world’s democracie­s to do so, via sanctions, tariffs, domestic drug manufactur­ing, etc., nothing has happened. It’s another classic example of the West either being bought off by China, or having no follow-through. Either

way, China wins because it has emerged from the pandemic relatively unscathed, writing the narrative that it saved the world through its manufactur­ing juggernaut status (providing personal protective equipment and ventilator­s to countries that outsourced such capabiliti­es) and vaccine research.

— Of course, Joe Biden is also a huge winner. Sure, there will be the always-Trumpers and conspiracy theorists who disagree, but they are unable to admit the simple truth: Mr. Biden won. And based on everything we know, he won fair and square — just as Donald Trump legitimate­ly won four years ago, when there was no hacking, and Russia didn’t alter a single vote at the ballot box.

How Mr. Biden will govern remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: with no evidence of widespread voter fraud — a fact acknowledg­ed by the president’s inner circle, from Attorney General Bill Barr to Chris Christie — Joe Biden is America’s legitimate president-elect. People certainly aren’t obligated to agree with his policies, but they owe him their respect.

— The American people. Once again, we have set a shining example of a peaceful transition of power. In a world where despots rule most countries, and sham elections are the norm, America’s adherence to the rule of law, and her people’s acceptance of the outcome, continues to amaze.

— “Growing Families:” There has been a huge surge in pet adoptions since the pandemic began — a true silver lining that will last a lifetime. In a year of turmoil and despair, Man’s Best Friend joining a family goes a long way to making things … just right.

Happy New Year!

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