The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Say thanks to township supervisor­s

- By David M. Sanko David Shribman Columnist

You may read about them in the newspaper or see them along local roads, plowing snow in the winter or patching potholes in the spring.

They’re your township supervisor­s and staff, and while you may not know them personally, these public servants show up each and every day with one goal in mind: to build a better community for you, your family and your neighbors.

As Pennsylvan­ia gets ready to celebrate Local Government Week, April 12-16, this is the perfect opportunit­y for you to better understand the critical role your township and its officials play in the commonweal­th’s governing system.

Establishe­d to be a direct reflection and representa­tion of the people who live there, townships are places where residents — when they choose to — have a voice in what happens, where every expenditur­e is scrutinize­d, and where services provided don’t exceed what the community needs or can afford.

In other words, townships are full-service, grassroots­driven communitie­s overseen by your neighbors, who are dedicated to meeting your needs.

Since its inception, Pennsylvan­ia has had three levels of government: state, county, and local. This structure, which the Founding Fathers based on a division of labor, made sense then and makes even more sense now.

The commonweal­th’s governing system is a lot like a telescope. Open it wide and you’ll see the state’s big-picture view. Narrow the focus a bit and you’ve got the county’s regional perspectiv­e. Narrow the focus even more and you’ll see what townships see: the local side of things.

And each of these levels of government has distinct duties and priorities. In the early days, for instance, township supervisor­s primarily oversaw the maintenanc­e of local roads. And while this continues to be one of their top priorities, township supervisor­s today have many more responsibi­lities. Jacks of all trades, township supervisor­s in the 21st century are hands-on local leaders who must be wellschool­ed in a wide range of complex issues, such as land use management, budgeting, transporta­tion planning, and public safety concerns.

And because they live and may even work in the communitie­s they represent, township supervisor­s are on call around the clock. In fact, it’s not unusual for supervisor­s to field phone calls from residents during dinner and to plow roads at night and into the early hours of the morning.

Just imagine, though, what it would be like if your township didn’t exist and your community was managed by a larger, centralize­d government.

Under this scenario, which has been proposed in the past, you would not be able to turn to a neighbor for help. Instead, you would have to approach a more distant group of elected leaders — some of whom may be familiar with your community; most of whom may not — and compete against a much larger pool of individual­s to get your voice heard and needs met.

Local democracy as you know it would be lost and replaced with a larger, more expensive, and more sluggish way of governing.

Township government isn’t just another layer of government; it’s the critical layer, the foundation. It’s the one that represents you and your family, lives within its budget, and provides the services you’ve asked for — nothing more and nothing less.

And the next time you’re out and about, take a good look around your township and realize that all the good things you see — the parks, the wellmainta­ined roads, and the safe environmen­t to raise a family — are possible because your local leaders, your neighbors, had a vision about providing a high quality of life and turned it into a reality for you.

State Associatio­n of Township Supervisor­s

David M. Sanko is executive director of the Pennsylvan­ia State Associatio­n of Township Supervisor­s, the primary advocate for the commonweal­th’s 1,454 townships of the second class.

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