The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

House OKs $2T social, climate bill in Biden win; Senate next

- By Alan Fram

WASHINGTON » A fractious U.S. House handed President Joe Biden a marquee victory Friday by approving a roughly $2 trillion social and environmen­t bill, as Democrats cast aside disputes that for months had stalled the measure and hampered efforts to sell their priorities to voters.

Lawmakers approved the legislatio­n 220-213 as every Democrat but one backed it, overcoming unanimous Republican opposition. The measure now heads to the Senate, where changes are certain and disputes between cost-conscious Democratic moderates and progressiv­es who seek bold policy changes will flare renew.

For the moment, Democrats were happy to shake off a dispiritin­g period of off-year election setbacks, tumbling Biden poll numbers and public disgruntle­ment over inflation, stalled supply chains and the pandemic. All that and the party’s nasty internal bickering have left voters with little idea of how the legislatio­n might help them, polls have shown.

“Above all, it puts us on the path to build our economy back better than before by rebuilding the backbone of America: working people and the middle class,” Biden said in a statement.

He told reporters at the White House he expected the legislatio­n to “take awhile” to move through the Senate but declared, “I will sign it. Period.”

The legislatio­n, among the most expensive in years, is remarkable for its reach. It rewrites tax, health care, environmen­t, education, housing and other policies, shoring up low- and middle-income families, helping the elderly and combating climate change.

Most of it would be paid for with tax boosts on the country’s highest earners, biggest corporatio­ns and companies doing business abroad. That includes new surtaxes on people earning over $10 million annually and a corporate minimum tax.

Because of its size, scope and symbol of what Democrats stand for, each party thinks the package will help in next year’s midterm elections, when Republican­s have a solid chance at capturing House and Senate control.

“Hey, hey, goodbye,” GOP lawmakers sang, taunting Democrats during the vote. Republican­s call the measure a waste of money that will worsen budget deficits, overheat an inflation-battered economy and show voters that Democrats can’t resist ever-larger government.

Democrats see the 2,100page legislatio­n as overdue and long-lasting help for a vast swath of the nation.

The bill “will be the pillar of health and financial security in America,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. “If you are a parent, a senior, a child, a worker, if you are an American, this bill is for you.”

“Build Back Better,” chanted Democrats, embracing and jumping with glee at the front of the chamber as the roll call wound down. That’s the name Biden has given the bill — a companion piece to his other domestic priority, the bipartisan $1 trillion package of broadband, road and other infrastruc­ture projects he signed into law this week.

In Congress’ latest dose of partisan bitterness, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., delayed the latest bill’s expected approval on Thursday when he unleashed an eight hour 32 minute diatribe against the legislatio­n, the president and Democrats.

McCarthy glared as Democrats booed and groaned during what became the longest speech in House history, remarks that included personal insults aimed at Pelosi. As minority leader in 2018, she held the previous record, speaking for eight hours and seven minutes about immigratio­n.

“I don’t know if it’s a farewell tour,” McCarthy said of recent trips to Europe by Pelosi, who some think may be serving her last term in Congress. “If it is, I want a Tshirt.”

Most of the bill’s costs come from mountains of new spending, though there are also hundreds of billions in tax credits for encouragin­g certain goals.

It has over $500 billion for clean energy projects plus tax incentives for utilities turning to less polluting fuels and people buying electric vehicles. There’s money for child care, job training, housing, free preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds, in-home care for seniors and new hearing benefits for Medicare recipients.

People, and the government, too, would save money from new curbs on prescripti­on drug prices, though the provisions are modest compared to tougher requiremen­ts most Democrats preferred. There would be extended tax credits for families with children, for some low-earning workers and for people purchasing private health coverage.

 ?? DAVID ZALUBOWSKI, FILE - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A patient waits to be called for a COVID-19 vaccinatio­n booster shot outside a pharmacy in a grocery store, on Nov. 3, 2021, in downtown Denver. U.S. regulators have opened up COVID-19 booster shots to all and more adults, Friday, Nov. 19, letting them choose another dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
DAVID ZALUBOWSKI, FILE - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A patient waits to be called for a COVID-19 vaccinatio­n booster shot outside a pharmacy in a grocery store, on Nov. 3, 2021, in downtown Denver. U.S. regulators have opened up COVID-19 booster shots to all and more adults, Friday, Nov. 19, letting them choose another dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
 ?? HOUSE TELEVISION VIA AP ?? In this image from House Television, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., speaks on the House floor during debate on the Democrats’ expansive social and environmen­t bill at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, in Washington.
HOUSE TELEVISION VIA AP In this image from House Television, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., speaks on the House floor during debate on the Democrats’ expansive social and environmen­t bill at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021, in Washington.

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