The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Capital punishment should not be out of the question

- Jeff Edelstein Columnist Jeff Edelstein is a columnist for The Trentonian.

Sometimes, I really have to ponder these Split Decisions. Sometimes, I can sway myself one way or another. This one? It’s a freebie. No swaying needed. Last week, in Utah, four men raped a 9-yearold girl while her mother was in the garage smoking meth. Ah, humanity, right? Anyway, the question is this: What should the punishment­s be in this case?

Well, for starters, mom needs to be dealt with. Obviously she should get hit with drug charges and endangerin­g the welfare of a child. She should also lose custody, it would seem.

As for the men? To give you an idea of where I stand, did you know death by firing squad can still happen in Utah? It’s reserved for murder, but I gotta say: Raping a 9-year-old child should count also.

Bottom line: If there’s irrefutabl­e evidence of the rape of a child, I believe with every ounce of my being the death penalty should be on the table. Obviously, there are caveats here, such as age limits and such, but whatever the limit would be, 9 years old would be under it. (So where is the age limit? I don’t know. 10? 11? It starts getting dicey after that.

There is simply no excuse. Someone who rapes a child is either a pedophile or just plain evil, and either way, humanity has zero use for them.

I believe in second chances and all that, but there are limits, and this right here is one of them.

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