The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Back Talk Clean it up


There are discarded mattresses all over the city. They have to be bagged before the garbage men will take them away. Mattresses can be found out in the alley ways at Morris and Emery Avenues and Anderson and Washington Streets. It’s getting filthy and it’s a health hazard. — Upset

You can call the Public Works department to get this addressed at 609-989-3563. — Ed Note

Hamilton is great

I’m 54 years old and lived in Hamilton my whole life. I work for the state. I went to pay my property taxes and I’m thrilled because my property taxes actually went down quite a bit. So it was really good news. I appreciate the services I get living in Hamilton as far as the police and garbage collection. The county employees were very gracious when I paid my property taxes. They were very friendly and it was a pleasure dealing with them. I just wanted to say I‘m a happy Hamilton Township homeowner. — Happy in Hamilton Good to see a counterpoi­nt to all of the complaints here. — Ed Note

Bad move

I cannot believe this. A man pleads guilty for burying a woman alive and he gets only 25 years in prison They call this justice. This man should have been hung or at least a minimum of life in prison not just 25 years. Our justice system is terrible. No wonder no one is afraid of it anymore. No wonder our jails are so overcrowde­d because they know they‘re going to get away with it. This is stupid. — A reader

Plea deals giving shorter sentences are a common way to get fast resolution to cases, which is important to get the slow system moving. — Ed Note

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