The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Trash in the city


I’m calling in regards to Trenton trash. Also, I work in the district and schools. It’s disgusting how school age students will be given free breakfast and lunches and disregard their trash in the bleachers where they eat them in our gym with trash cans only feet away. We have mice constantly, milk, chips and food everyday strewn around because children are just disrespect­ful and refuse to throw their trash away. It’s disgusting. Kids have no respect for themselves, let alone their school with their city you’ll never rectify the trash problems until our youth learn to respect themselves their homes and their city and schools.

— A reader Yep, it needs to start early or they’ll never learn. — Ed Note


Rev Daniel K Eisenberg’s letter in the 6/11 issue of the Trentonian sounds like a Al or Jesse speech. The reverend and doesn’t mention anything about the responsibi­lities of anyone who is poor. We all have the same responsibi­lities. And we are responsibl­e for our own actions. You don’t break the law. If you have children you are responsibl­e for their well being, not the taxpayer. You teach your children to stay in school. So they can read and write and get a job. We have too many children having children and the so called father is not to be found, so the financial burden falls on the taxpayer. LBJ started the great give away the by boats, but what it did was it created people that think the government owes them a living as long as they keep their hand out. Instead of a handout people need jobs. If you are healthy and refuse to take a job any job then you should not be given any type of benefits.

— A reader

Here, I thought it was a nice oped. — Ed Note

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