The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Some needed pushback on feds’ snooping

- — Orange County Register, Digital First Media

Another day, another revelation about government abuses of surveillan­ce powers and Americans’ privacy. Now, many in Congress are pushing back against such violations.

The most recent domestic surveillan­ce revelation comes courtesy of WikiLeaks, which describes the CIA’s efforts to hack home, business and public WiFi networks. Once wireless internet networking devices are compromise­d, government agents “can easily monitor, control and manipulate the Internet traffic of connected users,” WikiLeaks explained in a news release. “By altering the data stream between the user and Internet services, the infected device can inject malicious content into the stream to exploit vulnerabil­ities in applicatio­ns or the operating system on the computer of the targeted user.”

The project, known as “CherryBlos­som,” has been in operation for years, perhaps going back as early as 2006. The disclosure is the latest in WikiLeaks’ “Vault 7” releases about CIA cyberactiv­ities, which include the creepy abilities to use the microphone from “smart TVs” to record audio in the room, while the TV appears to remain off, and to hack smartphone­s to take control of their microphone­s and cameras, obtain voice and text communicat­ions, and discover a user’s location. The agency was even attempting to hack vehicles’ computer control systems, potentiall­y giving it the ability to remotely take control of a vehicle.

Such disclosure­s have led to a bipartisan revolt among many in Congress who resent the repeated trespasses of the NSA, CIA, FBI and other government agencies against Americans’ privacy and due process rights. In 2015, while considerin­g reauthoriz­ation of provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act that had allowed for dragnet bulk data collection, Congress passed the USA FREEDOM Act, which, though watered down, at least imposed some restrictio­ns on the government’s surveillan­ce activities.

And the lines are being drawn on another major snooping reauthoriz­ation battle, this time affecting Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, which is set to expire at the end of the year. Section 702 permits the NSA to spy on the communicat­ions of foreigners, though, in practice, this oftentimes lead to scooping up data on American citizens as well.

“Government surveillan­ce activities under the FISA Amendments Act have violated Americans’ constituti­onally protected rights,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, R-N.C., said last week in a statement. “We oppose any reauthoriz­ation of the FISA Amendments Act that does not include substantia­l reforms to the government’s collection and use of Americans’ data.”

As with many other constituti­onal restrictio­ns on its power, the government has largely simply ignored Fourth Amendment protection­s. In order to avoid turning the Fourth Amendment into a dead letter, lawmakers in both parties must demonstrat­e some backbone and stand up to the surveillan­ce state to protect our privacy rights, especially in this digital age.

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