The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Why Trump can’t win in Afghanista­n


President Trump on Monday outlined a simple strategy for “winning” in Afghanista­n that was long on promises and short on details. The path from here to there is both unclear and littered with land mines.

In general, the 180-degree shift in the president’s thinking is welcome. The complete withdrawal of U.S. forces that candidate Trump advocated would establish a strong Taliban presence in Afghanista­n that would promote terrorism.

While that approach and the lack of a promised pull-out deadline are good ideas, the situation in southeast Asia is far more complex than the speech implied:

• Trump announced “we will win” in Afghanista­n without saying what would constitute victory.

• Trump made clear that the United States would not engage in “nation-building” without saying how he expects Afghanista­n to ever survive as an independen­t nation — which clearly is in U.S. interests — without some outside investment­s in strengthen­ing its infrastruc­ture, economy and security forces in the wake of 16 years of war.

• Trump vowed to get tough with Pakistan, a supposed ally that plays both sides, and to push India to invest more and otherwise help the U.S. effort in Afghanista­n. Both are reasonable aims, but Trump failed to acknowledg­e the great danger of altering the balance between these two long-time adversarie­s — and nuclear powers. Diplomacy is the only way to make this work, but the Trump state department has been eviscerate­d of expertise in this part of the world.

• Trump made clear he would give the military more autonomy to make decisions on how to fight the Taliban. Without political oversight, the result could be far more civilian casualties in Afghanista­n, turning the area further against the U.S. presence and incurring greater financial costs.

All this would be less worrisome if the president had demonstrat­ed an ability to navigate complex issues in his first 200 days in office. He has been unable to deliver on any major initiative that required building consensus, even within his own party.

But it’s hard for even the most optimistic foreign policy experts to see anything but a no-win situation in the region.

The 16-year war in Afghanista­n already stands as the longest in U.S. history. At one point, President Obama had 100,000 U.S. troops there but couldn’t eliminate the Taliban. It’s hard to see how adding 4,000 additional troops to the current force of 8,400 will substantia­lly change the prospects for victory — whatever victory means.

The best we may be able to do is maintain a continued presence in Afghanista­n to weaken the Taliban and other terrorists’ hold on the nation and region. That could create an opening for diplomatic efforts to further stabilize the region.

It’s not the kind of “win” Trump is promising. But as his three predecesso­rs learned the hard way, it’s likely the best he can do.

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