The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Do we really want armed teachers in schools?

- L.A. Parker Columnist

Ivanka Trump says her daddy’s idea about arming teachers with weapons should be discussed.

Trump told NBC News that she did not know if armed teachers can impact school shooting incidents.

“Obviously, there would have to be an incredibly high standard for who would be able to bear arms in our school,” she said.

“But I think there is no one solution for creating safety.”

Okay, let’s have this discussion.

Think about past or current professors and teachers, even with military experience, charged with handling a gun and overseeing your safety. Thanks for the discussion. Nightmares occur when thinking about reliving teenage high school years with one or several teachers armed to the teeth.

No offense Mr. Algebra teacher or biology instructor. Just the thought of Mr. Smith armed with his namesake & Wesson, causes pain worse than a Rita’s Water Ice brain freeze.

A common belief delivers a wild-eyed idea that teachers will perform well under the pressures of a school shooter incident despite reports that allege several Broward County sheriff’s deputies waited outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. while 19-yearold Nikolas Cruz, killed 17 people and wounded 16 others.

Trained law enforcemen­t officers apparently waited as Cruz delivered his death wishes. Yet, we believe teachers will offset a school invader.

If we allow fear to override sensibilit­y then let’s arm supermarke­t cashiers and grocers; give Glocks to student bus drivers; and the crossing guard deserves a license to carry.

President Donald Trump offered.

“(Imagine) If you had a teacher who was adept at firearms, that could very well end the attack very quickly,” President Trump said during a meeting with survivors of the shooting at the White House.

Trump’s watched far too many Bruce Willis-inspired “Die Hard” films. Hysteria, fear and death accompany these school shooting terrorist attacks.

Responses to school shootings and other killings requires a tactical plan not just let’s go in with guns blazing approach.

Plus, many high schools include a matrix of rooms, offices and hallways that cover vast amounts of space.

The new Trenton Central High School covers 374,000 square feet.

L.A. Parker is a Trentonian columnist.

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