The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Letter about Josh Welle


After reading a recent (2/20) letter to the editor written by Jim Silverman of Holmdel, I feel compelled to respond. In that letter, he wrote several falsehoods regarding Democratic Congressio­nal Candidate Josh Welle. I’d like to set the record straight.

First and foremost, Welle has at no point said that he wouldn’t support legislatio­n “fighting discrimina­tion and racism, creating jobs and supporting a green economy” as the letter states. That’s ridiculous. In fact, Welle has said repeatedly that part of his jobs initiative is to encourage solar companies to make landfall in New Jersey’s 4th Congressio­nal District, because he recognizes that the economy and sustainabl­e energy practices are intertwine­d. This is just a part of Welle’s creative and detailed jobs creation platform. (More details on the “Issues” page of welleforco­

Secondly, on taxes, Welle has vehemently opposed the repeal of the SALT Deduction since it came into question. Silverman claiming that Welle “justified the GOP tax plan” is simply not true. How can it be, when he disagrees with so many of its stipulatio­ns because of the impact they have on New Jersey working families?

Finally, Silverman projects yet another falsehood when he refers to the Welle campaign’s “large corporate donors.” It’s important to set the record straight that the Welle campaign has not accepted corporate PAC money.

This year’s Congressio­nal elections will be a pivotal, historic moment in our nation’s history. Josh Welle is a principled leader, and the right Candidate to bring transparen­cy, unity, and important change to the NJ 4th Congressio­nal District.

— Andrew Sell, Ocean Township

To send your letter to the editor for publicatio­n, email letters@, keep it under 300 words.

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